Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Visit Thursday, August 16
Date:Mon, 13 Aug 2001 15:27:42 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----Nyree,

Can you forward the attached to Allen Whitman?
From: Allan, David
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 4:12 PM
To: Causholli, Monika
Subject: FW: Visit Thursday, August 16

Monika, for our pulp specialist who's coming to town on Thursday, could you see if one of the pulp originators has a basic presentation on Enron's forest products business that we could e-mail to him before Wednesday afternoon?


-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Whitman [mailto:aewhitman@mindspring.com]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 4:08 PM
To: Allan, David
Subject: RE: Visit Thursday, August 16


Thanks for all the info from you and Nyree. Dinner Thursday is fine. The
only stuff I have not got is info about your plans, mill ownership, etc.
Perhaps you would prefer to discuss when I see you at 0900 on Thursday.
That's OK with me. How about a list of assets you own or investments you
have in the forest products business? Whatever you can send would be

See you Thursday.


-----Original Message-----
From: Allan, David [mailto:David.Allan@ENRON.com]
Sent: den August 13 2001 9:49 AM
To: Allen Whitman
Cc: Chanaba, Nyree; Causholli, Monika; Carter, Karen E.
Subject: RE: Visit Thursday, August 16


First of all, dress code is business casual (khakis etc.). My assistant,
Nyree Chanaba, will get back to you with particulars on the hotel. It
will probably be the Hyatt, which is kitty-corner from our office. But
whichever hotel it is, the concierge will be able to direct you to the
Enron Building: it's well-known, and we'll have you within 2-3 blocks of
our office at the most.

The morning session is for quiet conversations with anybody who wants
one-on-one time with you. At this point I don't know whether that will
be a lot of people or a few (we're in the middle of vacation time so
it's hard to predict attendance), but I would say 9 a.m. would be good.
Go to the lobby of the building and ask the security guards to call me
or Nyree (we're on the 29th floor).

If it's OK with you, why don't you pay your hotel bill and then fax me
the bill when you get home on Friday so we can cut a check.

If you're not too tired of Enron people at that time, I'd like to take
you out to dinner on Thursday night.

As to the projector, we'll have something set up; in case the connection
doesn't work we also have laptops we can hook up.

We'll communicate more as the week goes on. We look forward to seeing


-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Whitman [mailto:aewhitman@mindspring.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 5:18 PM
To: Allan, David
Subject: Visit Thursday, August 16

Hi, David,

A couple of questions:

* dress code for visit
* address and name of hotel. My plane (DL 1857)is scheduled to arrive
1853. I plan to go directly to the hotel.
* do you want me to pay the bill and rebill you when I send the
* directions from the hotel to your office? When do you want me to be
there on Thursday?
* I plan to bring my laptop with several ppt presentations to show. Do
have a hookup for the laptop to a projector? I plan to leave a
copy of the
ppt slides with you if you have a zip file that can download them from
* I believe you were going to send me some info about Enron's plans and
objectives, now that I am on the team and have signed the
* any other questions I need to ask?

See you on Thursday.


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