Enron Mail |
<<Cascades Q3<< <<NorskeCanada Q3 '01, Oct 25 '01<<
Regards, Tom Cochran --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <Reid.Carter@NBFinancial.com< Date: Thursday, October 25, 2001 10:50:45 GMT Subject: Our apologies... yesterday's Cascades note contained an error in our 2002 estimates. The company is expected to much better than we stated! The corrected note is attached. Reid <<Cascades Q3, Oct 25 '01.pdf<< ********************************************************************** Financi?re Banque Nationale et Compensation BNC n'assument aucune responsabilit? quant ? la confidentialit? et l'int?grit? du pr?sent courriel en raison des risques d'interception inh?rents ? l'Internet. Pour cette raison, toute opinion exprim?e au terme des pr?sentes ne refl?te pas n?cessairement celle de Financi?re Banque Nationale et de Compensation BNC. ********************************************************************** Due to the security risks involved in sending information over the Internet, National Bank Financial and NBC Clearing Services can not be held responsible for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the present e-mail. For this reason, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of National Bank Financial and NBC Clearing Services. ********************************************************************** --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <Rune.Gjessing@NBFinancial.com< Date: Friday, October 26, 2001 3:51:33 GMT Subject: <<NorskeCanada Q3 '01, Oct 25 '01.pdf<< Rune Gjessing, CFA Associate Analyst, Paper and Forest Products National Bank Financial Park Place Suite 3300 - 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8, Canada Tel: (604) 443-4018 Fax: (604) 682-2527 Toll free: (888) 233-0833 Ext. 4018 E-mail: rune.gjessing@nbfinancial.com ********************************************************************** Financi?re Banque Nationale et Compensation BNC n'assument aucune responsabilit? quant ? la confidentialit? et l'int?grit? du pr?sent courriel en raison des risques d'interception inh?rents ? l'Internet. Pour cette raison, toute opinion exprim?e au terme des pr?sentes ne refl?te pas n?cessairement celle de Financi?re Banque Nationale et de Compensation BNC. ********************************************************************** Due to the security risks involved in sending information over the Internet, National Bank Financial and NBC Clearing Services can not be held responsible for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the present e-mail. For this reason, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of National Bank Financial and NBC Clearing Services. **********************************************************************