Enron Mail |
BRUSSELS, July 25, 2001 (paperloop.com) - Neusiedler has started a series of major investments at its Slovakian subsidiary SCP Ruzomberok to boost pulp and paper production. The revamps are slated for completion by January 2002 and will boost the site's production of bleached pulp. Output will rise from the 227,000 air dried (ad) tonnes produced in 2000 to 250,000 ad tonnes by the end of 2001. The company expects this to increase by a further 10,000 ad tonnes in 2002. An upgrade of the plant's PM 8 is slated for 2002, but no details are available as yet. Neusiedler acquired its 50 percent stake in Severoslovenske Celulozky a Papierne (SCP) last year, changing the company's name to Neusiedler SCP Ruzomberok in October 2000.