Enron Mail

To:david.allan@enron.com, om.bhatia@enron.com, marty.blick@enron.com,laura.bosek@enron.com, jay.boudreaux@enron.com, e..carter@enron.com, monika.causholli@enron.com, chris.charbonneau@enron.com, clinton.comeaux@enron.com, bob.crane@enron.com, chris.cro
Subject:newsprint update, 10/29
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:49:54 -0800 (PST)

Good Afternoon Team,

Belo issued its statistical report for the month of September. Newspaper G=
roup total revenues were down 10% in September on a pro forma basis. Septem=
ber 2001 had one more Sunday than September 2000. Excluding the effect of =
the extra Sunday this year, Newspaper Group revenues were down approximatel=
y 16% . The Newspaper Group's revenue loss specifically related to the atta=
cks was about $2 million. At The Dallas Morning News, total full-run adver=
tising linage, including preprints and supplements, was down 10.9% versus 2=
000. Classified volumes were down 12.8% with continued weakness in classi=
fied employment. At The Providence Journal, total full-run advertising li=
nage, including preprints and supplements, decreased 8.3 %. Retail and cl=
assified volumes decreased 9.5% and 7.3 %, respectively. The decrease in =
ad linage has decreased ad revenues to Belo -- which has negatively impacte=
d Belo's total revenues. Many publishers also find themselves in this weak=
position... and producers are struggling amidst sluggish newsprint demand.
