Enron Mail

Subject:Fiber Morphology-Original Spreadsheet
Cc:temple@enron.com, dan.temple@jacobs.com, dave.allen@enron.com
Bcc:temple@enron.com, dan.temple@jacobs.com, dave.allen@enron.com
Date:Tue, 2 Oct 2001 10:36:54 -0700 (PDT)

monika and dave,

as mentioned during our phone conversation, i am enclosing the original
spread sheet that was developed to capture both the morphological aspects of
various fibers as well the pulp qualities for different wood species.

also, the spreadsheet that dan T has provided with by enron, under fiber
morphology , and under hardwood broadleaf species, southern mixed hardwood
(Hi Oak and Low Oak) and mixed tropical hardwoods are listed.

for this category only pulp characteristics can be provided but not fiber
morphology. so, please check that too.

if you have questions, please call me ((864) 676-5636) or dan T.


Dr. Perry Parthasarathy


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