Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Advice
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:36:15 -0800 (PST)

Monika -

Regarding your satement

"This whole thing with my company happened so fast and caught me off
guard.- a lesson for next time-."

Read and ponder Proverbs 3: 5 and 6.

I am doing the same with problems I am dealing with in my life right

I will keep in touch.


-----Original Message-----
From: Causholli, Monika [mailto:Monika.Causholli@ENRON.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:17 PM
To: Nielsen, James - COB
Subject: RE: Advice


This is very helpful. I already forwarded my resume to the Tektronix
contact you told me. I am forwarding you a copy of my resume as well
just in case you something good crosses your way. I appreciate your help
a lot.
This whole thing with my company happened so fast and caught me off
guard.- a lesson for next time-.

Anyways please continue to keep in touch. I will do the same and keep
you posted. You know we really do not want to go back home right now. I
have a list of things I haven't accomplished yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nielsen, James - COB [mailto:NielsenJ@bus.orst.edu]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 3:58 PM
To: Causholli, Monika
Subject: RE: Advice

Hi Monika -

I have contacted the Head of the Finance Division at the University of
Colorado in Boulder to see if they offer assistantships. He is my major
professor from years ago. I will get back to you as soon as I hear from

I am also forwarding to you in another email some info regarding
potential employment at Tektronix. Even though they will be coming to
OSU and you are in Texas, I would recommend that you forward your resume
to them and tell them you got the information from me. Tell them to call
me if they want to know more about you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Causholli, Monika [mailto:Monika.Causholli@ENRON.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 1:06 PM
To: Nielsen, James - COB
Subject: Advice

Hello Jim,

I was glad to hear back from you. So you are going to be a grandpa soon.
That's great news!

Well, the main reason I am writing to you is that I need some advice. I
would like to go back to school next year but I have no financial
security. My job prospects don't look good either now that Enron was
bought from another company. I know that many private schools offer
scholarships as well as assistantships. I am looking into all of those.

It would be very helpful for me if you would help and direct me in the
right direction, let's say if you know a professor that would like to
have his own researcher which would help me in the process to go through
with school. I have a great deal of interest in finance, and that is
what I want to do, I really don't want to do a MBA, rather a MS in
Finance. I am very ambitious and work really hard to succeed. I have
great work experience and I have worked for a company that is well
recognized for its talent pool.

If you can't help me with this process, do you know anyone who can? I
really would appreciate any advice that you can give me because I have
no one else to get advice from right now. In addition, if you have any
contact in the job market I would look into that too.

Thanks Jim,

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