Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Pulp and printing & writing presentation - Facts & Figures
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 13:24:22 -0700 (PDT)

WOW! This is a great industry overview. I haven't vetted the numbers, and I understand Karen wants to sit down and go over it in detail, but it appears to be exactly what we wanted and a great tool. Of course it will always be a work in progress, being improved and updated as we get better information.

Good work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Causholli, Monika
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 2:19 PM
To: Reed, Andrea V.; Aguilera-Peon, Maria Teresa; Allan, David; Biggerstaff, Finley; Boudreaux, Jay; Braune, Carlos; Bruce, Michelle; Bruce-Jones, Tom; Bruch, Greg; Bryja, James; Carter, Karen E.; Conner, Andrew R.; Crane, Bob; Dimitry, Dirk; Ferrell, Daniel; Hernandez, Morela; Juvane, Danilo; Kabel, Jeff; Rickard, Craig; Robinson, Richard T.; Schmidt, Joern; Schube, Jonathan; Stapley, Cecil
Cc: Chenoweth, Christopher; Kang, Daniel
Subject: Pulp and printing & writing presentation - Facts & Figures

Hello everyone,

Attached you will find the pulp and printing & writing presentation - facts and figures as of 2001.
Please if you have any questions you can contact me.

Monika Causholli
Enron Industrial markets
(713) 345 -1510 << File: Pulp Presentation Template1.ppt <<