Enron Mail

Subject:SAVE on your Valentines gifts.
Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2002 18:55:00 -0800 (PST)

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FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #FF0000; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FON=
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nt-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: itali=
c; line-height: normal; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; text-decoratio=
n: none} [IMAGE] Everything from new love to true love For Him F=
or Her For Kids Dear Charles, Cupid is aiming his bow and arrow and he=
's ready to make his journey of love with gifts from our Valentine's Day =
Gift Center . Now through February 15, you can find something for all of y=
our sweethearts and get $5 OFF** your purchase when you sign up for 8 RIS=
K-FREE issues* of Sports Illustrated. Enter promotion code SPORTSduring ch=
eckout to receive your discount. We have gifts that will light up her ey=
es, tell him how special he is, and put a precious smile on the faces of=
all the kids you cherish. Browse the recipient categories to find a wid=
e selection of Valentine's Day gifts for everyone you hold close to your h=
eart. From your friends at 1-800-FLOWERS.COM
Call 1-800-FLOWERS
(1-800-356-9377), Click (www.1800flowers.com) or Come in! AOL Keyword: 1=
800flowers This email was sent to CHUCK.RANDALL@ENRON.COM Register =
Now & Member Benefits Personalized Greetings Gift Certificates Remov=
e Me Contact Us Security & Privacy Disclaimer * Store Locator [I=
MAGE] To redeem, you must enter promotion code VDAYFLin shopping cart. Do=
mestic Shipping only. All prior sales excluded. Offer cannot be combined w=
ith any other offer or discount. Offer expires 2/14/02. Offer only good on=
purchases from PaulFredrick.com. =09