Enron Mail

Subject:Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Date:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:36:43 -0800 (PST)

=09 =09 Dear Chuck, Let the Enron hearings begin - both the Senate and=
House begin hearings on the fallen energy giant Thursday. The Senate Gove=
rnmental Affairs Committee hearing will focus on whether federal agencies s=
hould have foreseen the company's demise. A second Enron hearing on Thursd=
ay in the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Oversight and Investigation=
s subcommittee will look into the destruction of Enron-related documents by=
Andersen. The Washington bureau will have live reports and highlights fro=
m the hearings on Capitol Hill throughout the day. Also from Washington o=
n Thursday, another Senate subcommittee will look at whether it's time to r=
aise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards. Senate Democrats are ex=
pected to add CAFE increases in their comprehensive energy bill and this he=
aring is the next step in the process. Vinson & Elkins attorney Bill We=
iland talks with the Houston bureau about bringing oil and gas from Russia =
to the United States through the Caspian region. Weiland says there are rul=
es over which countries' ships are allowed into ports in the Caspian Sea. =
On Thursday, Weiland will talk about the complications and added expenses t=
hese rules place on U.S. imports from the Caspian region. Also from H=
ouston, we'll have a report on a class-action lawsuit filed against Anderse=
n. The plaintiffs are accusing the auditing firm of racketeering. This is=
the first lawsuit against Andersen charging the firm with violations under=
the RICO act. From the West Coast on Thursday, Portland General Electric=
Spokesperson Scott Simms joins us to discuss electricity restructuring in =
Oregon. ENL's Kym McNicholas will speak with Simms about some new options =
for electricity customers starting March 1, 2002. Simms joins us during th=
e 1:00 p.m. ET newscast. We'll have earnings updates from New York on Thu=
rsday - Merrill Lynch Analyst Daniel Rolling will join us during the 2:00 p=
.m. ET newscast to discuss Arch Coal and Consol Energy earnings. We'll als=
o be joined by UBS Warburg's Matthew Warburton Thursday. He's going to bri=
ng us Conoco earnings and fourth-quarter expectations for the oil sector. =
Don't miss Warburton during the noon ET newscast. Closing Prices for We=
dnesday, Jan. 23, 2002 Crude: $19.50/bbl +$0.52 Unleaded: $0.5635/gall=
on +$0.156 Heating Oil: $0.5253/gallon +$0.112 Gas: $2.076/mmBtu -$0.03=
0 Fwd uE(Feb.): $3.43/mmBtu -$0.16 Video Library: ENL's interview with =
Secretary of Interior Gale Norton is now logged in the Video Library. If y=
ou happened to miss the excerpts aired during our newscasts, take some time=
and check out the interview in its entirety. Keep in mind things are sub=
ject to change at a moment's notice. Occasionally guests have to reschedule=
or change time slots. We'll continue to do our best to keep you updated o=
n future interviews and events. Be sure to watch our newscasts every bu=
siness day - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. =09 =09=09=09=
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap Vi=
deo Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player: 56K | 100K | =
300K (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) Experience all that=
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