Enron Mail

To:diana.scholtes@enron.com, sean.crandall@enron.com
Subject:Prior Month Adjustments going into 10/31 P&L
Date:Tue, 30 Oct 2001 14:13:00 -0800 (PST)

Diana and Sean:

Attached please find the latest prior month adjuments to be entered in your P&L for 10/31/01. The total amount will be -$206,492.82, primarily due to demand charge liquidation adjustment (-$204,999.92) for deal 555367.1. I have researched on this item and believe it is valid.

Please also note the attached file is preliminary. There could be more to come from Settlements between now and month-end. I'll update you if that happens. Please take a look at the items listed now and let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,