Enron Mail

Subject:Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Date:Tue, 5 Feb 2002 18:29:11 -0800 (PST)

=09 =09 Dear Chuck, In the wake of Enron's downfall, the Senate Energy=
Committee is taking a second look at the Public Utility Holding Company Ac=
t. On Wednesday, the Committee will hold a hearing on the PUHCA and our Wa=
shington bureau will bring us the latest. With talk of possible criminal =
activities in Enron's trading division, many are wondering what liabilities=
UBS Warburg could face. On Wednesday from the Houston bureau, we'll talk =
with former U.S. Attorney and Porter and Hedges Partner Dan Hedges about pr=
oblems that could arise for UBS Warburg. Haynes and Boone, LLP Attorney L=
arry Pascal talks about how Argentina's economic crisis is affecting the en=
ergy industry. We'll have details on the disarray in Argentina from the Hou=
ston bureau on Wednesday. On the West Coast, ENL's Kym McNicholas will s=
peak with Saber Partners CEO Joseph Fichera on Wednesday. Fichera says the=
re are some serious issues being overlooked in regard to the CPUC's rate ag=
reement with the CDWR. Fichera will share his concerns during the 1:00 p.m=
. ET newscast tomorrow. Also on Wednesday, Kym says she'll have more on t=
he California Senate Energy Committee's hearing on the Independent Systems =
Operators' Market Design Plan for 2002. Members of the committee say they =
have serious doubts about the ISO's ability to enforce market rules going f=
orward. We'll also talk with Hydrogenics President and CEO Pierre Rivard =
on Wednesday. Rivard will join us from the NASDAQ during the 4:00 p.m. ET =
newscast to discuss hydrogen fuel cell technology. Closing Prices for Tu=
esday, Feb. 5, 2002 Crude: $20.07/bbl unchanged Unleaded: $0.5852/gall=
on -$0.0079 Heating Oil: $0.5369/gallon -$0.0012 Gas: $2.074/mmBtu -$0.=
043 Fwd uE(Mar.): $3.55/mmBtu -$0.02 Keep in mind things are subject to=
change at a moment's notice. Occasionally guests reschedule or change time=
slots. We'll continue to do our best to keep you updated on future interv=
iews and events. Be sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9 =
a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. =09 =09=09=09=09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap Vi=
deo Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player: 56K | 100K =
| 300K (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) Experience all =
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iving this letter, unsubscribe now If you are having trouble receiving t=
his e-mail, please let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) week=
days, 7am-7pm CST. Comments? Suggestions? Let us know or call (800) W=
ILLIAMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams En=
ergy News Live, LLC. All Rights Reserved. =09=09=09=09=09