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Subject:RE: This is your brain on drugs
Date:Thu, 23 Aug 2001 14:00:46 -0700 (PDT)

I didn't know viagra was necessary with x

-----Original Message-----
From: Dax Philbin [mailto:dax@cypressmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:57 PM
To: Cuilla, Martin; 'Bill Rasch (E-mail)'; 'Carl Frank (E-mail)'; 'James Cook (E-mail)'; 'Jason Naples (E-mail)'; 'Johnny Perches (E-mail)'; 'Mike Contant (E-mail)'; 'Rob Miller (E-mail)'; 'Shane Rutherford (E-mail)'; 'Steve Nadalin (E-mail)'; 'Steve Patterson (E-mail)'; 'Will Dangerfield (E-mail)'; 'Zooey Wharton (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: This is your brain on drugs

Thursday August 23 03:00 PM EDT

Men Using Viagra With 'Club Drugs'

By Andrew Giese ABCNEWS.com <http://rd.yahoo.com/Dailynews/abc/inlinks/*http://transfer.go.com/cgi/transfer.pl?goto=http://abcnews.com%3Fpartner=yahoo&name=YahooBylineLink&srvc=nws<

Doctors say gay and straight men who are getting Viagra and combining it with "club drugs" like ecstasy may be risking their lives.

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Large numbers of homosexual men, and a smaller number of heterosexuals, are combining Viagra with illicit drugs to achieve a potentially deadly "sexual high," a new study finds.

The men combine the popular impotence drug with illicit "club drugs" such as ecstasy, ketamine, amphetamines, GHB, and "poppers."

The study, discussed last week at the Centers for Disease Control's HIV ( news <http://rd.yahoo.com/DailyNews/manual/*http://search.news.yahoo.com/search/news?p=%22HIV%22&c=&n=20&yn=c&c=news&cs=nw< - web sites <http://rd.yahoo.com/DailyNews/manual/*http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=HIV<;) Prevention Conference, focuses on high-risk behavior among gay men who use Viagra to heighten their sexual experience.

San Francisco epidemiologist Andrea Kim, who conducted the study, says it and other studies in California and London have shown that "gay men are combining Viagra with other drugs much more frequently when compared to heterosexual men" and that puts them at higher risk. Her sa common side effect of club drugs is loss of erection.

"We know that ecstasy and methamphetamines reduce sexual function, so the men are using Viagra to enhance their sexual ability," Kim says.

Partygoers often combine Viagra with amyl nitrite, an inhaled stimulant commonly referred to as "poppers."

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Chief of Toxicology and emergency room physician Dr. Daniel Keyes says that "amyl nitrite makes the heart race and combining these drugs can cause cardiac events."

Like Viagra, amyl nitrite causes blood vessel dilation and a drop in blood pressure. Combining two blood pressure lowering drugs can be fatal if a person has a heart attack or stroke.

Although rare, another medical condition that can occur is priapism, a severely painful problem that can result in permanent damage caused by the penis being erect for many hours.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cuilla, Martin [mailto:Martin.Cuilla@ENRON.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:55 PM
To: Bill Rasch (E-mail); Carl Frank (E-mail); Dax Philbin (E-mail); James Cook (E-mail); Jason Naples (E-mail); Johnny Perches (E-mail); Mike Contant (E-mail); Rob Miller (E-mail); Shane Rutherford (E-mail); Steve Nadalin (E-mail); Steve Patterson (E-mail); Will Dangerfield (E-mail); Zooey Wharton (E-mail)
Subject: This is your brain on drugs


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Police follow naked man to pot crop
By Brian Kelly
Herald Writer

CAMANO ISLAND -- A naked man found wandering around Stanwood Cinemas led police to his indoor marijuana garden after deputies asked the man what he did for a living, police said Wednesday.

Deputies from the Island County Sheriff's Office said they removed more than 80 marijuana plants -- including 50 or so mature plants -- from a shed behind the 30-year-old man's home on Maple Tree Lane, a dead-end road on the south end of the island.

The strange saga began Saturday night when moviegoers and diners in restaurants near the theater's courtyard reported seeing a naked man walking around the complex in full view of families dining out.

When an officer approached the man and asked why he was walking around naked, the man reportedly said that he felt like it so he just did it. An officer writing the man a ticket for indecent exposure then asked the man what he did for a living, and he allegedly said he grew marijuana.

According to a police report, the man then asked for the officer's help in harvesting the crop. The officer said he was too lazy to help but offered to go look at the man's operation, and the naked man agreed.

In the outbuilding behind the man's mobile home, police found what they described as a "sophisticated hydroponic grow operation."

Deputies allegedly found numerous grow lights on timers, fans and a complicated watering system with a line running to each of the plants.

Police said the man seemed proud of his operation, telling them that the system used no dirt, just lava rock, and he picked a large bud from a plant and handed it to an officer.

In a written statement to police, the man allegedly said: "I grow marijuana for fun and profit, to support myself and my family, to help bring us a better life." He also said he was growing marijuana for his father, who had a disease, and for other "medically ill people."

The man's wife told police she had never been inside her husband's shed, but that was where her husband did his artwork and practiced with his yo-yo.

Deputies said they asked the man what he expected them to do after he showed them his garden, and the man said he didn't expect them to do anything.

Police, however, confiscated the plants and growing equipment. The man was cooperative, they said, even helping to load the equipment into police vehicles.

The man may be charged with manufacture of a controlled substance, but he is not named because charges have not been filed.

You can call Herald Writer Brian Kelly at 425-339-3422 or send e-mail to kelly@heraldnet.com <mailto:kelly@heraldnet.com<.


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