Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 28 Aug 2001 06:03:20 -0700 (PDT)

these are from last year so the the final rules may change a little but not much

-----Original Message-----
From: Hull, Bryan
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 4:03 PM
To: Cuilla, Martin
Subject: RE:

will you send me the rules? and do we have a website?

-----Original Message-----
From: Cuilla, Martin
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 3:10 PM
To: Bass, Eric; Cuilla, Martin; Ermis, Frank; Grigsby, Mike; Hull, Bryan; Kuykendall, Tori; Lenhart, Matthew; Mckay, Brad; Murrell, Russell E; Neal, Scott; Shively, Hunter S.; South, Steven P.; Williams, Jason (Trading)

The draft will be held Tuesday Sept. 4th and Wednesday Sept. 5th starting at 5pm. It should only take about 1 - 1 1/2 hours each day

Draft order selection:

Matt Lenhart
Jason Williams
Eric Bass
Steve South
Mike Grigsby
Tori Kuykendall
Hunter Shively
Martin Cuilla
Russell Murrell
Frank Ermis
Bryan Hull