Enron Mail

To:assad@elektro.com.br, alan.comnes@enron.com, alberto.levy@enron.com,aleck.dadson@enron.com, allison.navin@enron.com, amy.fabian@enron.com, barbara.hueter@enron.com, bernadette.hawkins@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com, bill.moore@enron.com, cristina
Subject:2001 Budget - Update/Hiring Committee Formation
Cc:jeffrey.keeler@enron.com, stacey.bolton@enron.com, mary.schoen@enron.com,lisa.jacobson@enron.com, miyung.buster@enron.com, elizabeth.linnell@enron.com, lynnette.barnes@enron.com, linda.lawrence@enron.com, earlene.o'connell@enron.com, margo.reyna@enr
Bcc:jeffrey.keeler@enron.com, stacey.bolton@enron.com, mary.schoen@enron.com,lisa.jacobson@enron.com, miyung.buster@enron.com, elizabeth.linnell@enron.com, lynnette.barnes@enron.com, linda.lawrence@enron.com, earlene.o'connell@enron.com, margo.reyna@enr
Date:Fri, 27 Apr 2001 06:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

In a recent organizational memo, I mentioned what a great time this is to b=
at Enron. I believe that more strongly than ever, given the new markets we=
are entering, the enhanced focus of the company on markets and regions arou=
the world that best fit with our core competencies, and the phenomenal grow=
of the company, perhaps best evidenced by the earnings report of the first=
quarter. But, there are challenges as well: California, and its regional a=
global implications, and the general market conditions that have brought ou=
stock price well off its recent highs. With respect to each of these and=
other challenges, there are invariably opportunities: for example, the=20
enhanced opportunity for the FERC to finish the job of opening wholesale=20
electricity markets in the context of California; and, in the context of a=
lower stock price, a recognition that accelerated growth in earnings will=
bring the stock price to new highs in the not too distant future. One way=
that earnings can grow beyond Wall Street expectations is by bringing a bit=
more discipline to how all of us spend money at Enron. We in Government=20
Affairs can point to many efforts and processes that have been designed to=
instill that spending and resource allocation discipline in the last few=20
years. We have always done our part, but there is always more that can be=

To increase earnings and, correspondingly, the stock price, I recently met=
with various Government Affairs group heads to discuss ways Government=20
Affairs can do things better and more cost effectively. We looked at group=
travel costs, outside services, and other budget items. Attached for your=
review and use is a copy of a new Travel Policy and new Cell Phone Policy,=
which I believe, will ensure consistency across the group and deliver cost=
savings. Such travel policies already exist in various regions such as Enr=
Europe. (Regional Business Unit travel policies will continue to be applied=
where applicable)

Further, as a result of our review of the budget, we have identified saving=
across the North American group in excess of 1.5 million dollars (USD). Th=
is in addition to almost 2 million dollars (USD) by which the Enron Europe=
Government Affairs budget has been reduced, as well as significant reductio=
that have occurred in the South American group. Finally, I have also decide=
to create a global government affairs hiring committee, which will evaluate=
the need for any proposed hires (new and existing positions). The purpose =
the committee will be to assess whether the need is valid and, assuming it=
is, determine the most effective way to fill the position. By encompassing=
cross-section of the Government Affairs group globally, it is my hope that =
will arrive at better hiring decisions. The hiring committee will consist =
Aleck Dadson (Toronto), Sue Nord (Houston), Jim Steffes (Houston), Paul=20
Dawson (London), Doug Wood (London), Nick O=01,Day (Tokyo), Sergio Assad (S=
Paulo), Linda Robertson (Washington) and myself. The committee will meet =
an as needed basis.

I believe that these changes will allow us all the opportunity to provide=
more cost effective and efficient service to the business units we support.=
I encourage each of you to review the new policies and provide feedback.=20

Thank you