Enron Mail

To:smccabe@mccabeandcompany.net, smara@enron.com, steven@iepa.com,steve_ponder@fpl.com, stephanie-newell@reliantenergy.com, sadlersa@earthlink.net, sgovenar@govadv.com, smccubbi@enron.com, rtom@govadv.com, roger.pelote@williams.com, robbiz@cwo.com, rve
Subject:AB 128x Passed
Date:Mon, 7 May 2001 10:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

The 7 pages of amendments were adopted.? Please check the Assembly Website
tomorrow morning, as the bill should be in print then.
AB 128x passed unanimously from the Assembly policy committee by a vote of
5-0.? Cedillo was not there.? The 2 Republicans did not vote.? Voting for
the measure were Corbett, Alquist, Aroner, Koretz, and Thomson.
Speaking in support of the bill were Jean Ross (CA Budget Project - a
liberal think tank), Lenny Goldberg (who commented that he is "hopeful that
the bill is constitutional"), CalPIRG, CA Labor Federation, and Women's
Energy Group.
Assemblywoman Alquist asked to be a co-author of the bill.? Assemblyman
Wyland said that he believes that consumers are being gouged, but that he
could not vote for this bill.
Speaking in opposition were:? CMTA, Intergen, BP Amoco, California Chamber,
and IEP.
The bill next goes to a hearing at Assembly Appropriations Cmte, scheduled
for next Wednesday (5/16).
However, if the Assembly and/or Senate shuts down the Special Session
tonight (which is the rumor), this bill and SB 1x will die.

Chris Micheli, Esq.
Carpenter Snodgrass & Associates
1201 K Street, Suite 710
Sacramento, CA? 95814
(916) 447-2251
FAX: (916) 445-5624
EMAIL: cmicheli@carpentersnodgrass.com