Enron Mail

Subject:Buying Panic Ahead
Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 15:42:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Tech Stock Alert, April 30, 2001

Dear Fellow Investor,

Where IS the NASDAQ headed next? Will Greenspan's latest rate cut
yesterday finally be the trigger for the market to take off? Will
the hundreds of technology stocks that crashed and burned in 2000
EVER make a comeback? Is the Bush Administration good--or bad--for
the stock market?

These are the crucial questions facing all investors today.
Problem is--nobody's got ANY concrete answers.

As a result, the market continues to flounder in no-man's land,
up one day and down the next. And investors, shaken from last year
and afraid of what could lie ahead, have adopted that classic 'wait
and see' attitude.

And THAT'S what gives us the FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY we have today. My
name is Michael Murphy, and I've been analyzing and investing in
technology stocks for over 30 years. This is what I want to tell you
today: While everyone else sits on the sidelines, smart investors who
know--and act on--the five things you CAN count on in 2001 have an
unprecedented opportunity to profit--big time.

Let me show you what these five critical pieces of information are:

1. Biotech is the Next Big Thing in technology, and anyone who plans
on being in the stock market for more than 10 minutes MUST own a piece
of it today. Last year alone, the AMEX Biotech index was up a whopping
62% and my Technology Investing clients made over 100% returns with
select biotech stocks. But, mark my words, now that Celera published
the entire human genome sequence in Science magazine this past February,
the stocks will soar to previously unimagined heights.

2. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has proven that he will do
EVERYTHING in his power to avoid recession in 2001. Since January
alone, he has made four separate, significant interest rate cuts
and it's painfully obvious Greenspan doesn't want to be blamed for
sending the economy into a tailspin.

3. The big technology companies will bounce back FIRST. After a year
like 2000 investors are in no mood to make bets on small, unproven
stocks. They still want to profit from the fastest-growing industries--
but they want to do it more safely by buying the big, profitable
companies. The proof is in the pudding: in January alone my Technology
Investing readers raked in 31% on the dominant industry leaders we
loaded up on--at huge discounts--at last year's end.

4. Technology will continue to grow at four to five times the rate
of the Old Economy -- even this year. Despite what you're hearing in
the media, market researchers are projecting PC sales growth of at
least 11%, semiconductor revenues up 10%, cell phone sales jumping
12%-25% and a leap in most end-user consumer products of 10%-15%.

5. There's a monstrous BUYING PANIC coming. It will either make you
rich... or bury you alive. Once investors realize where technology
is really headed in 2001 and beyond, there's going to be a MAD DASH
to pile back into the stocks as quickly as possible. Most investors
will be too late, and they'll wind up kicking themselves once again
as they miss most of the NEXT BIG RUN UP. Don't let that happen to you.

We've been through this before--in 1974, 1994 and most recently in 1998.
Last time, my readers and I loaded up on a handful of the world's most
dominant technology companies at crazy-cheap prices . . . and we made
a killing. Twelve short months later we were up an astounding 157%.

I never thought it possible, but we now have an amazing opportunity to
do it all over again. Please, I implore you, make the most of it. To
find out the names of the 5 technology stocks I=01,m advising my clients
to load up on here, visit
http://www.ppi-orders.com/index.htm?promo_code=3D0AK194 and sign up for
my just-released FREE REPORT, "5 Technology Stocks Every Investor Must
Own--BEFORE the Coming Buying Panic." You=01,ll be glad you did.


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