Enron Mail

To:jeff.dasovich@enron.com, mbaldwin@igservice.com
Subject:Change to SoCalGas Capacity Policy
Date:Wed, 13 Jun 2001 09:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Lohman, TK
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:02 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lokay, Michelle; Fawcett, Jeffery
Subject: FW: SoCalGas Capacity Policy

Please find attached a letter from Lad and Pat of Socal. TW was requested by
Socal to reallocate the Needles "window" on intraday 1 cycle last Friday.
Socal lowered the "window" below TW's firm requirements. This has not been
the policy previously followed by the two companies. Once the Socal "window"
was established on the timely cycle, the window would not change for that gas
day. I did not want to cut TW's FT shippers late on Friday. I wanted time
to alert them that this policy was changing and they could not rely on
getting the same allocation of gas at Needles during each daily cycle.

Lynn and I talked with Pat Davidson and TW has agreed to accomodate any
changes (increases or decreases) to the "window" during a particular gas day
except for the intraday 2 cycle. Lynn and I told Pat that changing the
allocation during intraday 2 cycle would create imbalances on TW's system,
and TW was not allowed to have shipper imbalances per its tariff.

Lynn has prepared an EBB posting alerting our shippers of this change. It
will be posted today and the policy will go into affect for Friday's gas day.

Any questions, please call Mrs. Blair!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Davidson, Patricia - TPPSD" <PDavidson@socalgas.com<@ENRON
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:35 AM
To: 'Blair, Lynn'; 'TK Lohman'; 'TK Lohman'
Subject: SoCalGas Capacity Policy

The attached letter was faxed to Shelly Corman this morning.

Pat Davidson

Gas Scheduling Manager

Southern California Gas Company


- TWCap0613.doc