Enron Mail

To:gwilliams@sempra.com, spencermgt@aol.com, gss@uci.edu,roger.duncan@austinenergy.com, e-mail <roger.<, luc.piessens@wisconsingas.com, william.parks@ee.doe.gov
Subject:DPCA Congressional Distributed Power Day
Cc:solardc@bellatlantic.net, kduggan@capstoneturbine.com, nextek3@msn.com,nrf@rdcnet.com, dd@enron.com
Bcc:solardc@bellatlantic.net, kduggan@capstoneturbine.com, nextek3@msn.com,nrf@rdcnet.com, dd@enron.com
Date:Sat, 19 May 2001 07:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

To DPCA Friends and members:

By now you have received Dan Dessanti's email to you telling about the
Congressional ?Distributed Power Day scheduled on June 6 ( please see
attached Announcement). ?For those of you who received this message at least
twice or some reason did not receive Dan's email I apologize. ?We are still
trying to update our mailing list. ?

DPCA has retained Burson-Marstellar to provide logistical guidance and
assistance in the event planning. ?To highlight the value of ?this event,
they will also craft and generate the proper messages to the public,
and the energy market on the value of distributed energy and the importance
it should ?provide in the President's National Energy Strategy. ?Therefore,
have been asked by Burson to contact old, current and potential DPCA members
to provide them (please use the cc's on this email) information on your
respective involvement and activity in the development and use of

Such information should include, where relevant : ?
1.DE mission;
2. types of DE technologies, products, systems you manufacture, develop,
deploy; 3. amount of private investment to develop these technologies,
4. collaborative projects - size and customers served,
5. number of customers served, product volume sold or deployed, nationally
and internationally,
6. where you and your customers are located . ?

Also please provide Burson with copies of press announcements pertaining to
your Distributed Energy activity across the country and ?the Public Affairs
Contact for your respective organizations and companies.

The Burson- Marstellar contact is Greg Larson.
He can be reached at 916-341-1000. ?His Fax number is 916-341-1000

Finally, if your organization is not a member and would like to join DPCA,
and participate in this event and similar ones throughout the year please
fill out the attached form ASAP. ?On behalf of the Executive Committee of
DPCA we look forward to seeing you on June 6.

Thank You
Tod O'Connor
818-883-1038 (o)
818-317-9804 (cell)

- me.annoucementfinal.doc