Enron Mail

Subject:Important - Energy Steps for Workers
Date:Thu, 3 May 2001 06:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear SVMG Member:

I need your help.

We will only limit the impact of this summer's Energy Crisis if all
Californian's make gigantic strides to reduce energy use. With that in
mind, Governor Davis and the Legislature have passed the most aggressive
package of energy conservation incentives in the history of our Country.

Please note below a list of ways your employees - as residents - can save
money by saving energy. I hope you will strongly consider relaying the
following e-mail message to all of your California employees.


As you know, California is in the midst of an Energy Crisis that is
threatening our state, the health and welfare of our citizens, and our
economy. Fortunately, there are specific steps we can take - as businesses
and individual citizens - that can help us avoid rolling blackouts and their
devastating impacts this summer.

You may not be aware that Governor Davis and the California Legislature have
passed the most ambitious conservation incentive program in the history of
our nation. This $1 billion package will help you - as a resident - to save
money while saving power.

Please note the information below to take advantage of these opportunities.
Along with the web site links below, please visit the Silicon Valley
Manufacturing Group web site - www.svmg.org - for specific energy
conservation steps you can take at home and at work that will help save
power, save you money, and save our State's economy in the process.

Thank you for your help.

< For Energy Conservation Tips: California Energy Commission -
< 1-800-232-4685 or 1-800-555-7794.
< Electric Utilities also provide a variety of programs and information,
< including, but not limited to, the programs listed below. Contact your
< utility for more information.
< * 20/20 Energy Rebate: Residential, commercial, and industrial
< customers are eligible for this voluntary program which will
< provide rebates
< to customers who reduce their summer 2001 electricity usage.
< Customers will
< receive a 20% rebate on their summer electric bill if they cut back their
< electricity use by 20% over last summer's level. (Alternative energy
< households are not eligible.)
< SCE website and 800 number
< <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/<
< http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/;
< 1-800-736-4777
< PG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml<
< http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555
< SDG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;< http://www.sdge.com/residential/;
< 1-800-411-SDGE
< * Incentives for Efficient Lighting (also offered by Municipal
< Utilities): Incentives are to encourage the purchase and use of "Energy
< Star" lighting fixtures, when applicable. The program also offers
< incentives
< and assistance with installation of lighting control technologies, such as
< dimming, timers, and occupancy sensors, which provide more peak demand
< reduction.
< SCE website and 800 number
< <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/<
< http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/;
< 1-800-736-4777
< PG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml<
< http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555
< SDG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;< http://www.sdge.com/residential/;
< 1-800-411-SDGE
< * Incentives for Efficient Appliances (also offered by Municipal
< Utilities): Financial incentives are offered to encourage the purchase and
< use of "Energy Star" appliances, such as air conditioners and
< refrigerators,
< by reducing the customer's cost.
< SCE website and 800 number
< <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/<
< http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/;
< 1-800-736-4777
< PG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml<
< http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555
< SDG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;< http://www.sdge.com/residential/;
< 1-800-411-SDGE
< * Energy Efficient Audits/Surveys: Energy conservation audits,
< available in-home, mail-in, or on-line, are offered to assist customers in
< understanding their current energy usage patterns, and offer
< recommendations
< for energy savings.
< SCE website and 800 number
< <http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/<
< http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/;
< 1-800-736-4777
< PG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml<
< http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003a_res/index.shtml; 1-800-933-9555
< SDG&E website and 800 number
< <http://www.sdge.com/residential/;< http://www.sdge.com/residential/;
< 1-800-411-SDGE
< * Low-Income Housing Energy Assistance Program: Administered by the
< Department of Community Services Development, this program provides free
< weatherization services, including attic insulation, weatherstripping, and
< minor housing repairs. The program also provides financial assistance to
< eligible households to offset the costs of heating and/or cooling
< dwellings.
< DCSD website and 800 Number
http://www.csd.ca.gov/LIHEAP.htm; 1-800-433-4327

* CARE Program: The PUC administers a low-income energy assistance
program for electric and natural gas service customers. Known as California
Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE), the program includes both discounts of
15% on electric and natural gas bills, and a residential weatherization

SCE website and 800 number

<http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/< http://www.sce.com/002_save_energy/;

PG&E website and 800 number

http://www.pge.com/brochures/care_inst_eng.pdf ; 1-800-278-5472

SDG&E website and 800 number

http://www.sdge.com/efficiency/ee_assistance.html; 1-800-743-5000


The Governor's proposal is designed to accomplish multiple goals, including
protecting consumers from extreme market prices by securing long-term
electricity contracts and implementing a tiered rate structure to reward and
encourage conservation. Approximately 53% of California households will not
experience any rate increase. The next 23% of residential customers will
experience about a 10% average increase. Residential customers who use the
most electricity (i.e., significantly more than 130% of the "baseline"
figure listed on each customer's bill), will experience a rate increase of
24% on average.

- winmail.dat