Enron Mail

Subject:On Campus Recruiting "boot camp" 7/28
Date:Wed, 11 Jul 2001 09:56:00 -0700 (PDT)

Just a reminder the On Campus Recruiting "boot camp" training will take
place on 7/28. If you have sent me an email asking to be included there is
no need to reply again.

Here is the original blurb with all of the details.


(Most everything you need to know about OCR)

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? If you are within 12 months of graduating you can
participate in OCR.. If you graduate 5/01, 12/01 or 5/02 you are eligible
to participate. You may only participate in OCR once.

WHAT IS OCR? The On-Campus-Recruiting program is the primary MBA
recruiting and placement program targeting new MBA graduates or MBA
students that will be graduating within 6 months of the MBA recruiting
season. The MBA recruiting season is a Fall to Spring season. Eighty per
cent of the initial screening and interviewing takes place in the fall from
September to December. During the spring follow-up interviews, some on
site at corporate office interviews, and job offers occur. This is why it
is very important to take advantage of the full fall to spring
season. Some (20%) initial screening interviews do take place in the
spring. In past years 250 companies have participated in the OCR process.

WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW? You need to reply to this email or send me an
email letting me know you are eligible and interested in participating in
OCR. During the summer, on 7/28 I will be offering a Saturday boot camp on
everything related to OCR, please plan on attending. When September roles
around you will be ready to participate. I will need everyone
participating to complete a one page resume template, which is on
BearTracks. Please wait till I notify you individually before completing
the resume template. The deadline for the one page resume is the first week
in August, we will start the process of drafting a one page resume in the
seminar. We market these one pagers in a resume book/disc/online resume
database to recruiting companies. It is from this source that companies
decide whether or not to recruit at Haas. From this resume source the
companies choose who they will be interviewing. You may also use some of
the 1,000 bid points, all OCR participant get to bid on interviews with
companies (all of this will be covered in the 7/28 training). The bid point
system makes it an equal playing field for all participating students to
apply for positions they are interested in. The BearTrack system (on the
Haas website career services link
http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/careercenter/) is the only way to participate
in any of the activities related to OCR. Make sure and get familiar with
BearTracks or attend the BearTracks trainings offered in the fall if you
can't attend the summer OCR training. I will be available to assist
students that have scheduling conflicts and may not be able to attend the
summer OCR training session.

WHAT ELSE? Please make sure and check your email during the summer
regarding summer seminars. The career center is open all summer, I will be
here all summer. During the summer our hours will be 9 to 4. This schedule
begins 5/21 and goes to 8/10. I will be available by appointment for those
wishing to meet after the 4:00 timeframe, please try and provide a 24 hr.
advanced notice if you want to come in after 4:00. That's it for
now. Have a great summer.

John Morel
Associate Director of Career Services
for Evening MBA and MBA Alumni
Ph# 510-642-7731
Fax # 510-642-9387