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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: owner-eveningmba@Haas.Berkeley.EDU X-To: haasnewswire@haas.berkeley.edu X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Jeff_Dasovich_Oct2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: DASOVICH-J X-FileName: jdasovic.nsf Haas NewsWire July 16, 2001 CONTENTS Prof. Raghubir Applies Marketing Research To AIDS Prevention Efforts Haas Program Attracts Non-Business Students From Across the US CED Creates Custom Programs for Los Alamos National Lab Haas E-Mail is Available on the Web Faculty News Haas in the News? Happening at Haas Alumni Events????????????????????????????????????????????? Haas Celebrations PROF. RAGHUBIR APPLIES MARKETING RESEARCH TO AIDS PREVENTION EFFORTS Individuals' instinctive need to feel good about themselves adversely affects their ability to respond to many AIDS prevention campaigns and their willingness to change their behavior or seek treatment, according to Priya Raghubir, Haas assistant professor in marketing, and Geeta Menon, associate professor of marketing at New York University. Raghubir and Menon applied the principles of marketing research to provide critical insight into how public health officials and social marketers can design more effective AIDS prevention campaigns. "As the epidemic is experiencing a rebound, efforts to increase awareness of AIDS and risky behaviors now are as important as ever," said Raghubir, noting the United States is reporting an average of 40,000 new cases of HIV infection each year. "It is critical that public health officials are able to craft surveys and educational campaigns that overcome bias and denial, help audiences see themselves as at risk, and prompt a positive response." The researchers found that the "self positivity" bias, a phenomenon that creates a need in individuals to feel good about themselves, deters target audiences of AIDS awareness campaigns from identifying with the material in the ads and therefore prevents them from processing the information effectively. Specifically, this bias causes individuals to perceive that they are less likely than others to contract the virus or the disease. Furthermore, the less similar the person or situation depicted in the ad is to the individuals reading it, the lower the individuals perceive their risk of contracting the virus. Prevention campaigns are designed based on the results of surveys distributed to identify public awareness and levels of risky behavior. Raghubir and Menon discovered that the same biases that plague prevention campaigns can be found in the surveys on which the ads are based. For example, the need to conform to social norms leads survey subjects to overstate their socially desirable behaviors (e.g., use of condoms) and to underreport their socially undesirable behaviors (e.g., sharing needles). Surveys generally remind individuals of unsafe behaviors they may have practiced. However, subjects may find it difficult to remember whether or how often they have engaged in these behaviors -- either because the survey mentioned several such behaviors or because the individuals have not engaged in such behaviors often or recently. Difficulty in accessing this information leads to skewed survey responses. Based on these findings, the authors developed new guidelines for social marketers and public health officials to increase the effectiveness of AIDS prevention campaigns. HAAS PROGRAM ATTRACTS NON-BUSINESS STUDENTS FROM ACROSS THE US The Haas School has enrolled a group of 64 undergraduates from institutions around the globe to participate in the Business for Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (BASE) program, run by the Undergraduate Program Office. This summer's program started on July 9 and will run through August 17. BASE is an intensive, six-week educational experience geared towards non-business majors. Now in its fourth year, the goal of BASE is to give non-business students an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of business with a stimulating mix of theory and practice. Many of the students attending BASE are from Cal and the other UC campuses, but more than half of the students come from schools outside the UC system. Stanford, Dartmouth, Brown, and the University of Toronto are among the 24 schools with students in the program. BASE students enroll in three courses: Finance and Financial Accounting (BA 120) taught by Vic Stanton, Marketing (BA 160) taught by Trudy Kehret-Ward, and Human Resource Management (BA 150) taught by Holly Schroth. Outside the classroom, the program focuses on practical applications of knowledge -- the students take field trips to Goldman Sachs, Cisco, and Accenture. There are also career workshops and mock interviews to prepare students for the job market.? ? For more information, please refer to the program's web site at http://haas.berkeley.edu/Undergrad/BASE_.html. CED CREATES CUSTOM PROGRAMS FOR LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LAB The Center for Executive Development at the Haas School delivered its first one-day custom executive program on High-Tech Marketing and Opportunity Recognition for Los Alamos National Laboratories on Monday, June 18. "This course is part of the Management of Technology (MOT) Program's overall effort to make Haas an integral partner in new business development based on technologies developed at the Los Alamos Lab," says Drew Isaacs, executive director of MOT. Other successful aspects of this collaboration include MOT summer internships at the lab for Haas students, and a planned series of courses on business fundamentals for later this year and early next year. This executive program was designed to provide engineers and scientists with a strategic overview of the business skills needed for successful high-tech entrepreneurship and new venture creation. The program was held in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The course, limited to 25 participants, was oversubscribed and is likely to be repeated later this year. For information on custom executive programs at Haas, contact the Center for Executive Development at 510-642-4735, e-mail execdev@haas.berkeley.edu or visit the web site http: www.haas.berkeley.edu/ced. HAAS E-MAIL IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Haas students, faculty, and staff can now check their Haas e-mail through any Internet browser, anywhere in the world through Haas' new WebMail service.? To use Haas WebMail, go to http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/HCS, click on My Haas WebMail, and enter your user name and password. This is a pilot program for the Haas community. FACULTY NEWS IYER WINS MARKETING SCIENCE AWARD Assistant Professor Ganesh Iyer received the prestigious John D.C. Little Award for the best paper in Marketing Science written in 2000 for his article, "Markets for Product Modification Information," Marketing Science, Vol. 19 (2000), No. 3, pp. 203-225. This was the lead article in the issue in which it appeared. Iyer's coauthor on this article was David Soberman, an assistant professor at INSEAD, France. ? O'BRIEN JOINS THE FACULTYJohn O'Brien, executive director of the Master's in Financial Engineering program, has been appointed Adjunct Professor at Haas, effective July 1, 2001. O'Brien joined Haas in July 2000 to help establish the MFE Program. He has over three decades of experience in finance. He was managing director of the Client Service Group at Credit Suisse Asset Management and helped launch CSAM's entry into e-commerce. In the early 80s, he co-founded Leland O'Brien Rubinstein Associates, Inc., with Haas finance professors Hayne Leland and Mark Rubinstein. He served as chairman and CEO there until 1997. HAAS IN THE NEWS Dean Laura Tyson wrote an opinion piece on globalization? for The New York Times titled "The New Laws of Nations" published on July 14. Carl Shapiro, the Transamerica Professor of Business Strategy and the director of the Institute of Business and Economics Research, appeared in the Washington Post in the article "EU Rejection Shows Divergence of World's Rules" on July 4.? Read it at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A15754-2001Jul3.html Michael Katz, the Edward J. and Mollie Arnold Professor of Business Administration, commented on Microsoft in the Los Angeles Times on July 3, in the article "Microsoft's Gamble Leaves It Vulnerable." Janet Yellen, the Eugene E. and Catherine M. Trefethen Professor of Business Administration, was featured in The Nation on July 2.? Read more here: http://www.thenation.com/docPrint.mhtml?i=20010702&s=phillips-fein Dean Laura Tyson wrote her Economic Viewpoint in Business Week on the July 2 issue. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/01_27/b3739133.htm. Shapiro appeared in the Wall Street Journal on July 2, commenting about General Electric in the article, "How United Technologies Lawyers Outmaneuvered GE." The New York Times featured Hal Varian, Haas professor in the Manufacturing and Information Technology Group and dean of the School of Information Management and Systems, in its story "The Land of Monopolies." Varian also appeared in the Comment & Analysis section of the Financial Times on June 29, commenting on General Electric and Honeywell. Varian authored an article in the New York Times titled "Economic Scene: G.E. and Honeywell Ran Afoul of 19th-Century Thinking," appearing on June 28. Tyson and Associate Dean Jay Stowsky were mentioned in the San Francisco Chronicle on June 26, in the article "Corporate donors' influence spilling into UC classrooms."? Read it here: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/06/26/MN784 93.DTL. Mark Rubinstein, the Paul Stephens Professor of Applied Investment Analysis, was quoted in Pensions & Investments magazine on June 25. He commented on the review pages of the Financial Analysts Journal. Cynthia Kroll, a regional economist with the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, appeared in the San Jose Mercury News on June 23 in a story about declining home prices in the Bay Area. Read it at http://cgi.mercurycenter.com/premium/local/docs/outer23.htm. The Economist mentioned Shapiro in an article about patents on June 23, which was titled "Patently absurd?" Brett Trueman, the Donald and Ruth Seiler Professor of Public Accounting and chair of the Haas Accounting Group, was quoted in USA Today on June 22, in a story about accounting.? Read the full article at http://www.usatoday.com/money/covers/2001-06-22-bcovfri.htm. Trueman was quoted in both the San Jose Mercury News and USA Today on June 20. Read the articles at http://www0.mercurycenter.com/business/top/068259.htm and http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/invest/2001-06-20-tech-accounting.htm. Reuven Lehavy, assistant professor in the Haas Accounting Group, appeared on CBS Evening news.? See video of the interview here: http://www.haas.berkeley.edu:24874/ramgen/media-services/Lehavy.rm. Dean Laura Tyson was interviewed by CNN's Jeff Greenfield on June 19 and commented on patient's rights. Business Week featured Hal Varian in its June 18 story "Era of Efficiency."? Read it here: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/01_25/b3737701.htm. Varian was also quoted in the tech weekly section of The Ottawa Citizen on June 18. ? Terry Marsh, associate professor in the Haas Finance Group, published an article in the Financial Times on June 18. Read it here: http://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?print=true&id=01061800 1231. Sea Power & Associates appeared in CNN.com on June 18, along with co-founder Misha Cornes, MBA 01.? Read the article here: http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/science/06/18/wired.waves.ap/index.html. A story on Misha Cornes, MBA 01, and Sea Power & Associates appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on June 17. Read the article, "Oceans of Energy Await Harnessing," here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/06/17/MN 101195.DTL. Sea Power & Associates is also mentioned in the Tulsa World newspaper in the story, "Harnessing the Sea's Power" on June17. The Haas School was featured on ABC news on June 12 in the story "Congrats Grads, Now What?"? Read the full story here: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/business/DailyNews/commencement_advice_010512.h tml. Reuven Lehavy was featured in the June 11 issue of Forbes magazine.? Read the article here: http://haas.berkeley.edu/~lehavy/ForbesJune-6-2001BLMT2.pdf. The study co-authored by Brett Trueman and Reuven Lehavy was mentioned in the following publications: The Denver Post on June 17: http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1002,33%257E47425,00.html The Industry Standard on June 18: http://www.thestandard.com/article/0,1902,27208,00.html The Financial News on June 18 The Sydney Morning Herald on June 19: http://www.smh.com.au/news/0106/19/text/biztech12.html The San Francisco Business Times on July 3: http://sanfrancisco.bcentral.com/sanfrancisco/stories/2001/07/02/newscolumn7.h tml?t=printable The New York Times on July 1 Severin Borenstein, the E.T. Grether Professor in Public Policy and Business Administration and the director of the UC Energy Institute, appeared in the following TV and radio stations from the month of June until July 15. KRON TV news; NPR's All Things Considered; NPR Morning Edition; KCBS radio; CBS Evening News; CBS Morning News; KGO TV news; KQED California Report; PBS Newshour w/Jim Lehrer; KTVU Ch 2; and KPFK radio. Borenstein was quoted repeatedly in the following newspapers and journals from June 1 to July 13.? The San Jose Mercury News; The Los Angeles Times; The Houston Chronicle; The San Francisco Chronicle; The Sacramento Bee; The Contra Costa Times; The Oakland Tribune; The American Prospect; The Orange County Register; The Canadian Press; and The New York Times. HAPPENING AT HAAS Procurement Forum The Fisher Center for Information Technology and Marketplace Transformation Wednesday, July 18, 2001 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wells Fargo Room Contact:? Ana Luisa Mota 510-643-5316 or visit http://citm@haas.berkeley.edu ALUMNI EVENTS Bay Area Kellogg Alumni Network Job Search Panel discussion Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Embassy Suites, Burlingame Hors d'oeuvres will be provided Cost: $45 at the door Contact Tom Suniville at TSuniville@aol.com to RSVP. Send check payable to Tom Suniville, 347 Woodside Ave., Mill Valley, CA, 94941. Haas Alumni Network Welcome Parties Around the World For new Haas graduates, current MBA students, Haas alumni, and newly admitted MBA students -- the class of 2003 Mexico City, Mexico Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:30 p.m. Il Punto- Emilio Castelar 213- Colonia Polanco RSVP: Gonazalo Deustua, MBA 98, 55-19-96-56 (Gonzalo Office); e-mail gonzalodeustua@vitalis.com.mx South Bay Chapter Summer Picnic & Welcome Party The South Bay Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network invites you to attend the annual Summer Picnic & Welcome Party Saturday, July 21, 2001 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Location: Mitchell Park, 3700 Middlefield Road in Palo Alto RSVP: Although this event is free of charge, we need to have attendees RSVP for planning purposes.? Please e-mail Vern Shure, MBA 94, at vshure@alumni.haas.org or call the South Bay Chapter Hotline. Contact: The South Bay Chapter Hotline, 408/235-9363; (via e-mail) http://vshure@alumni.haas.org East Bay Chapter Event at the Paramount Theater "Haas Behind the Scenes at the Paramount Theater" Saturday, July 28, 2001 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Location: Paramount Theater, 2025 Broadway, in Oakland Suggested Donation: $3 to $5 Contact: Bill Vederman, MBA 93, East Bay Chapter President or via http://vederman@alumni.haas.org. ??? Singapore Monthly Meeting Meetings for Haas alumni are held the last Tuesday of each month. Tuesday, July 31, 2001 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Bar & Billiard Room, Raffles Hotels, Singapore No RSVP is required. Contact: Dirk Hofer +65-98191039 or via e-mail dirk@strategytools.com. East Bay Chapter Haas Connection The East Bay Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network invites you to network and exchange ideas with fellow East Bay alumni and Haas students on the first Thursday of every month. Thursday, August 2, 2001 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Pyramid Brewery, 901 Gilman Street (at Eighth Street) in Berkeley. Contact: Bill Vederman, East Bay Chapter President, http://vederman@alumni.haas.org HAAS CELEBRATIONS Birthdays Jerry Stone, July 2 Linda Coffee, July 5 Kathleen Valerio, July 6 Julie Ito, July 7 Walda Thompson, July 18 Will Starks, July 30 Pete Johnson, August 7 Seung Lee, August 9 Mary Ann McNally, August 10 Melanie Dixon, August 13 Jenny Rowe, August 15 Lisa Martin, August 19 The Haas NewsWire respects the wishes of staff and faculty who would not like their birthdays announced. Please e-mail a request to have your birthday marked "do not announce" on the central birthday list to Haasnews@haas.berkeley.edu. The Haas NewsWire is the electronic news weekly for the Haas community published every Monday by the Marketing and Communications Office at the Haas School. Send your news, feedback, and suggestions to haasnews@haas.berkeley.edu. Archived issues of Haas NewsWire are available online at http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/groups/newspubs/haasnews/archives/hncurrent.html . To subscribe to Haas NewsWire, address e-mail to majordomo@haas.berkeley.edu; in the body of the message type "subscribe haasnewswire" in the first line, and "end" in the second line. To unsubscribe to HNW, type "unsubscribe haasnewswire" in the first line, and "end" in the second line.