Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Friday
Date:Tue, 17 Apr 2001 07:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

More ideas! Yes! I want more ideas!!

Cameron Sellers
Vice President, Business Development
1860 Embarcadero Road - Suite 210
Palo Alto, CA 94303
650.798.3366 (direct dial)
650.269.3366 (cell)
650.858.1095 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com [mailto:Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 2:04 PM
To: Rogers, Sarah
Cc: Alison McCauley (E-mail); Amy Hood (E-mail); 'Cameron Sellers';
'Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com'; Mari Nayvelt (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Friday

That's the ticket on the recipe. I can give you some more ideas if you
like. Please let Prentice and me know what we can do to pitch in.



Sarah" To: "'Cameron Sellers'"

<srogers@jamcr <cameron@perfect.com<, "Alison
McCauley (E-mail)"
acker.com< <amccauley@portera.com<, "Amy Hood
<Amy.Hood@gs.com<, "Mari Nayvelt
04/17/2001 <mnayvelt@yahoo.com<

03:53 PM cc:

Subject: RE: Friday

I plan to be booting everyone out of my house before/upon my return from
airport, if you catch my drift, but perhaps we can place some people in Amy
Hood's upstairs abode to slave away? Or you can just come at 5:30 or 6?
I've told people to come at 7:30, I think, but I am pretty flexible on

Amy Hood will provide salad plates, and I think my regular dinner plates
big enough to fit pasta and steak/potatoes/radish salad (which is really a
garnish anyway). Does that work?

-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Sellers [mailto:cameron@perfect.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 1:57 PM
To: 'Rogers, Sarah'; Cameron Sellers; Alison McCauley (E-mail); Amy Hood
(E-mail); Mari Nayvelt (E-mail)
Cc: 'Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com'
Subject: RE: Friday

I think it all sounds great. I can probably be at your house around 2pm or
so. It looks like you might be off to the airport, but we can coordinate
and hopefully someone else might be around. I can make the dressing on
Thursday night. I would also be happy to make anything on Thursday that I
can. I'll look at the recipes tonight and let you know what I can do ahead
of time.

The only thing missing that the birthday boy requested is truffle pasta
Jeff this is where you come in). This might be very easy and if it is I
will take care of it and serve it before the steaks. If I can do it then
you might even drop an appetizer (or we'll never get to the cake). Jeff,
can you help me with this pasta? Essentially he wants a light truffle
like we had everywhere in Tuscany. We have those truffles in jars - any
idea what to do with them. We also have truffle oil. If all else fails, I
am prepared to cook some fettuccini, slice up one of a truffles, mix in
olive oil and truffle oil and toss. What do you think??

What time are we tell the non-preparers to come??

Cameron Sellers
Vice President, Business Development
1860 Embarcadero Road - Suite 210
Palo Alto, CA 94303
650.798.3366 (direct dial)
650.269.3366 (cell)
650.858.1095 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rogers, Sarah [mailto:srogers@jamcracker.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 1:26 PM
To: Cameron Sellers (E-mail); Alison McCauley (E-mail); Amy Hood
(E-mail); Mari Nayvelt (E-mail)
Subject: Friday


Friday approaches. Alison has graciously volunteered to deal with flowers,
and Amy H is going to make a cake. Here is my suggested menu:

Champagne/wine/cocktails (I have)
Savory biscotti to dip into medium-bodied red wine (from Martha Stewart)
Smoked salmon nori stacks (from Martha Stewart)
Moroccan salmon on bamboo skewers (from Martha Stewart)
Fancy-looking crudites presented nicely in glasses and whatnot with
buttermilk dip (from Martha Stewart)
Iceberg wedges with roquefort dressing (Cameron's mom's recipe)
Steak with wasabi mashed potatoes and daikon radish salad (April 2001 Bon
Cake (Amy)
Port/champagne/etc (I have some)

I am going to go to the grocery store on Thurs afternoon and could
potentially make the biscotti then. I have picked things that I think will
look impressive but not be impossible to get done (a) relatively quickly
(b) ahead of time. I think the mashed potatoes can also be done ahead of

I may have a conference call on Fri from 9-11, but I hope to put it on mute
while I chop things. I will have to do some work and also pick up Bob at
the airport at 2:30, but any help is welcomed (either in person or on your
own separately). Let me know what your plan is and what you'd be
in doing, as well as any questions or concerns you have about le menu.

This will be soooooooo fun!

Sarah Rogers
Solutions Marketing
Jamcracker, Inc.
19000 Homestead Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014
p: 408-725-4301
f: 408-725-4310

www.jamcracker.com - Sounds like a job for Jamcracker.

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