Enron Mail

To:kelly_p_davis@yahoo.com, eveningmba@haas.berkeley.edu,mba_social@haas.berkeley.edu
Subject:Re: Free Bottle of Wine!!!
Date:Tue, 1 May 2001 05:34:00 -0700 (PDT)

Answers below-you two would have had my responses w/o
any carrot of wine!
--- Kelly Davis <kelly_p_davis@yahoo.com< wrote:
< Hi all,
< We are doing an analysis of training in various size
< companies, and would appreciate
< your responses to the following questions (there's
< only 10).
< Names of all respondents who reply by Friday will be
< Answer as many of them as you want. Thank you VERY
< MUCH for your time with this!!
< With your answers Jim & I will be one step closer to
< graduation :)
< - Kelly & Jim
< ------------
< 1) How many employees are in your company?
< What industry is the company in? Approx
< 2) Do you have a training program for your job
< function - mandatory, voluntary, or none?
Mandatory-specific to my role and responsibilities.
< 3) Do you do your job better as a result of the
< training you received? Absolutley
< If you haven't received training, would you
< do your job better had you receive some? yes
< 4) If yes, how long is the training conducted? Is
< it conducted on a regular basis? Initial 3 weeks,
Ad-Hoc training sessions available approx 2 weeks/year
< 5) Is your training conducted by professional
< trainers or through a
< mentor-type system or some other way? Which
< one would you prefer? professional trainers,
< 6) What kind of training, if any, would you
< like to have right now? Why? none
< 7) Do you think training should be conducted at all
< levels of the organization? Why? YES! Everyone
needs to dedicate time to learning & developing skills
in an organization. The trick is that the training
must have be relevant, applicable, & targeted
(appropriate for level), and have a very clear
< 8) What type of training do you think is
< unnecessary at your company? Hard for me to
determine-lots not applicable to me, but useful to
others, (i.e. Java)
< What kind of training should be mandatory?
< Why? Basic org stuff, basic company
product/industry stuff.
< 9) Would you feel better about the company or the
< team knowing that everyone went
< through a structured training program? I'd
feel better if it were the type of training mentioned
above...it's important for all employees to know what
their company does. Probably not as important for
small companies, because this learning happens
effectively through informal channels.

< 10) Rank the statements below regarding your
< perceptions about training (1 is most mportant):
5)I do it because it is mandatory;
2) I do it because it will help me learn my job
3)I do it because it will give me skills I can
use in my next job;
4)I do it because it will help the company be
more profitable;
1) I do it because it allows me to refresh my
6)I do it because it is a way to get away from
my job

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