Enron Mail

To:drothrock@cmta.net, lmacktal@cmta.net
Subject:Re: Meeting Invitation for 4/18/1
Date:Tue, 17 Apr 2001 09:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings Dorothy:

Hope all is well. I can participate in your meeting tomorrow. Is it
possible to participate by conference call, or would you prefer that folks
attend in person? Just let me know.


Loretta Macktal <lmacktal@cmta.net<
04/16/2001 03:27 PM

To: "Allen, Tom" <tom.allen@mirant.com<, "Baker, Carolyn"
<cabaker@duke-energy.com<, "Gough, Kassandra" <kgough@calpine.com<, "Parquet,
David" <david.parquet@enron.com<, "Stout, John"
cc: "Rothrock, Dorothy" <drothrock@cmta.net<, "Stewart, Jack"
<jstewart@cmta.net<, "McCrea, Keith" <kmccrea@sablaw.com<
Subject: Meeting Invitation for 4/18/1

To: Tom Allen, Mirant
Kasssandra Gough, CalPine
David Parquet, Enron
John Stout, Reliant
Carolyn Baker, Duke Energy

From: Dorothy Rothrock, CMTA

CMTA is reviewing it's policy position on wholesale market reforms and
price caps going into the summer 2001. We would welcome and value your
input and expertise at a meeting this week.

Date: April 18, 2001
Time: 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Place: CMTA Exec Conference Room, 980 Ninth Street, Sacramento

You are invited to attend or send a representative. If you can do
neither, I would like to talk to you at a convenient time before the

Call or email Loretta at 916-441-5420 or lmacktal@cmta.net to RSVP or
set up a time for a phone call.

Dorothy Rothrock