Enron Mail

Subject:Re: one-unit courses for Fall 2001
Date:Fri, 4 May 2001 09:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thank you.

Teresa Janus <tj@Haas.Berkeley.EDU<
05/04/2001 11:31 AM

To: Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com
Subject: Re: one-unit courses for Fall 2001

I saw that you signed up on Telebears for Non-Profits, and we downloaded
those requests too.

So you're all set.

At 09:50 AM 5/4/01 -0500, you wrote:

<Hi TJ:
<Work has prevented me from being on campus this week. I registered for
<1-unit courses, but have not "signed up" in the office. If that is
<mandatory, please let me know and my girlfriend---a student in the day
<program who will be there today---can sign me up.
< <tj@Haas.Berkeley.EDU< To:
< eveningmba@haas.berkeley.edu
< Sent
< by: cc: hari@haas.berkeley.edu
< owner-eveningmba@Haas.Be Subject: one-unit
< courses for Fall 2001
< rkeley.EDU

05/02/2001 07:48
< Please respond to
< Teresa
< Janus

<The demand for one-unit courses is very high, as outlined in the Student
<Handbook. It is uncommon for a student to be given a space in more than
<ONE one-unit course per semester.
<If you got into your 1st choice of a 1-unit class for Fall 2001, you will
<not be put on a waitlist for your 2nd choice at this time. After classes
<start in the Fall, if there is room available in any of the 1-units, we'll
<let you know. Adds will be based on seniority in the program.
<You'll be given a chance to update your schedules May 4 - May 11.
<I will e-mail your Fall 2001 schedules to you this Friday.