Enron Mail

To:abb@eslawfirm.com, andybrwn@earthlink.net, cabaker@duke-energy.com,rescalante@riobravo-gm.com, rbw@mrwassoc.com, curtis_l_kebler@reliantenergy.com, dean.nistetter@dynegy.com, dkk@eslawfirm.com, gtbl@dynegy.com, smutny@iepa.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.c
Subject:Update on Dunn Witch Hunt Hearings
Date:Thu, 14 Jun 2001 05:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

Senator Dunn conducted a press briefing earlier today in regards to his
"Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy
Market." ?

Following is a summary of what was discussed:

Today's hearing:
Where: ?Room 3191, 1pm
Who: Carol Coy, South Coast Air Quality Management District
SCE was invited but unable to attend due to the bankruptcy issue which
apparently ?????consumes all of ?their time and resources....
Topic: ?The "laundering" of air emissions credits. ??Apparently the cost of
air emissions credits is pushed up due to the laundering of credits by
generators, and as a result should not be used to justify high electricity
prices. ?

Upcoming Hearings:
When: ?Friday, June 22
Topic: ?Plant operations
Who: ?TBD

When: ?Friday, June 29

Other items discussed:

Documents requests issued to LADWP and DWR. ?LADWP has apparently been very
very very "very cooperative" with the request. ?
Subpoenas have been issued to Duke, Dynegy, AES, NRG, Enron, Reliant,
A subpoena was issued to SCE requesting the following information:
?1. ?Internal documents related to the surveillance of market
competitiveness. ?2. ?Maintenance records and 3. ?Internal documents related
to the sale of California generation assets.
A subpoena was issued to Morgan Stanley, who was retained to prepare
documents related to the sale of some of California's generation assets.

????????????? ?NOTE: ?The point is that the price paid for generation assets
was "much higher" than many experts anticipated. ?The committee will be
looking into whether generators purchased these assets at significantly
higher prices because they knew they would have market power -- and the
ability to set prices high.

Subpoenas will be issued to PG&E and SDG&E

Please feel free to call if you have any other questions. ?Thanks - Jean

Jean Munoz
McNally Temple Associates, Inc.
916-447-6326 (fx)