Enron Mail

Subject:[Fwd: SF Greater Bay Area Planning Standard]
Date:Mon, 9 Apr 2001 04:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

Energy Committee and Blackout Busters Participants...please find attached
the draft ISO Board memo for a proposed new planning standard for the San
Francisco Greater Bay Area. This was forwarded to me by Barbara Barkovich.
You may want to review and provide feedback. I will be happy to forward
your feedback to Carl and other contacts on the matter. Thanks. Laura

From: "Miller, Jeff (ISO)" <JMiller@caiso.com<
To: "Al McCuen" <amccuen@energy.state.ca.us<, "Ali Yari" <yari@sdge.com<,
"Barbara Barkovich" <brbarkovich@earthlink.net<, "Barry Flynn"
<brflynn@pacbell.net<, "Bud Wegner" <hwegner@sdge.com<, "Carolyn Kehrein"
<cmkehrein@ems-ca.com<, "Chi Doan" <chi@water.ca.gov<, "Cliff Rochlin"
<crochlin@socalgas.com<, "Dan Wood" <danwooduse@aol.com<, "Dave Korinek"
<dkorinek@sdge.com<, "David Marcus" <dmarcus@slip.net<, "Ed Lucero"
<elucero@sempra.com<, "Eric Woychik" <estrategy@mindspring.com<, "Frank
Rierson" <fgrierson@aol.com<, "Gayatri Schilberg" <gayatri@jbsenergy.com<,
"JA Savage" <honest@compuserve.com<, "James A. Ross" <rcsstl@cdmnet.com<,
"James Leigh-Kendall" <JLeighK@smud.org<, "Jim Filippi"
<Jim.Filippi@gen.pge.com<, "Jim McCluskey" <jmcclusk@energy.state.ca.us<,
"Karen Griffin" <kgriffin@energy.state.ca.us<, "Karen Lindh"
<karen@klindh.com<, "Karen Shea" <kms0@pge.com<, "Kelly Lee"
<KCL@cpuc.ca.gov<, "Kishone Patel" <kpatel@sdge.com<, "Les Pereira"
<les@ncpa.com<, "Lyle Hill" <lhill@ci.riverside.ca.us<, "Mark Ziering"
<maz@cpuc.ca.gov<, "Martin Bauer" <mbauer@ibr2inet.mp.usbr.gov<, "Michael
Yeo" <myeo@cpuc.ca.gov<, "Michele Wynne" <mwynne@uoc.com<, "Mo Beshir"
<mbeshir@ladwp.com<, "Morteza Sabet" <sabet@wapa.gov<, "Patricia Mayfield"
<mayfiepl@sce.com<, "Paul Scheuerman" <pgs@ieee.org<, "Ramchandani, Ramesh"
<rxr@cpuc.ca.gov<, "Rebecca Berdahl" <rmberdahl@bpa.gov<, "Rick Buckingham"
<rbucking@energy.state.ca.us<, "Robert Jenkins" <rtj1@pge.com<, "Sean
Gallagher" <shg@cpuc.ca.gov<, "Steven Kelly" <steven@iepa.com<, "Tim Wu"
<ctwu@ladwp.com<, "Tom Flynn" <tflynn@eob.ca.gov<, "Tony Lam"
<tonylam@water.ca.gov<, "Tony Velarde" <velardac@sce.com<
Cc: "Clyde Loutan" <CLoutan@caiso.com<, "Elena Schmid" <ESchmid@caiso.com<,
"ISO Grid Planning"
m<, "Kevin Graves" <KGraves@caiso.com<, "Philip Pettingill"
<PPettingill@caiso.com<, "Ron Calvert" <RCalvert@caiso.com<, "Ron Daschmans"
<RDaschmans@caiso.com<, "Stephanie McCorkle" <SMcCorkle@caiso.com<, "Steve
Greenleaf" <SGreenleaf@caiso.com<, "Tracy Bibb" <TBibb@caiso.com<, "Ty
Larson" <TLarson@caiso.com<, "Vicken Kasarjian" <VKasarjian@caiso.com<
Subject: SF Greater Bay Area Planning Standard
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 15:55:03 -0700
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To: ISO Grid Planning Standards Committee

Attached for your review and comment is the draft ISO Board memo for our
proposed new planning standard for the San Francisco Greater Bay Area. This
issue is scheduled to go to the ISO Board in late April or early May. Please
review this memo and provide me with your comments via e-mail by April 16.
Thanks for all of you help on this.

Also attached is a draft agenda for our next meeting which will be on May
3rd at the Sacramento Airport Host Hotel from 10:00 to 3:00. Additional
meeting materials will be sent out prior to the meeting. Hope to see you

Jeff Miller

<<4-2001 SF Generation Outage Standard #3.doc<< <<Agenda 5-3-01.doc<<

Jeff Miller
Regional Transmission Manager
California ISO
Phone: 916-351-4464
Fax: 916-351-2272
E-Mail jmiller@caiso.com

- 4-2001 SF Generation Outage Standard #3.doc
- Agenda 5-3-01.doc