Enron Mail

To:faculty@haas.berkeley.edu, staff@haas.berkeley.edu, mba02@haas.berkeley.edu,mba03@haas.berkeley.edu, eveningmba@haas.berkeley.edu, undergrad@haas.berkeley.edu, allphds@haas.berkeley.edu, mfe02@haas.berkeley.edu
Subject:Email Notification from the UCB Library
Date:Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:33:38 -0700 (PDT)

Email Notification of Library Holds and Recalls Is Now Available

The UCB Library has implemented an email notification feature into the
circulation system. This permits students and faculty to be notified quickly
by email when a book is overdue or when a recalled book has become available.
Log on to the Patron Update webpage at
to see if your email address is correct, then click the "yes" button to
activate this feature.

This is a service that a group of Haas operations research students studied
make recommendations about several years ago.

Milt Ternberg
Long Business & Economics Library