Enron Mail

To:janet.dietrich@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com
Subject:RE: California Update--9.02.01
Date:Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:44:53 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dietrich, Janet =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 04, 2001 12:18 PM
To:=09Dasovich, Jeff
Cc:=09Kean, Steven J.; Shapiro, Richard
Subject:=09FW: California Update--9.02.01

Probably no need to reiterate here (it just makes me feel better), but the =
date of the bill signing or September 1 is MUCH MUCH preferable to EES. We =
have substantial contracts that we executed at the end of August.
---------------------- Forwarded by Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES on 09/04/2001 =
12:15 PM ---------------------------
From:=09Jeff Dasovich/ENRON@enronXgate on 09/02/2001 09:04 AM
To:=09Steven J Kean/ENRON@enronXgate, Harry Kingerski/ENRON@enronXgate, Tim=
Belden/ENRON@enronXgate, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@=
EES, Alan Comnes/ENRON@enronXgate, Michael Tribolet/ENRON@enronXgate, Krist=
in Walsh/ENRON@enronXgate, David W Delainey/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@E=
ES, Lamar Frazier/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Keeney/HOU/EES@EES, Jeremy Blachman/HO=
U/EES@EES, Scott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES, Tim Belden/ENRON@enronXgate, Stephen Swa=
in/ENRON@enronXgate, John J Lavorato/ENRON@enronXgate, Paul Kaufman/ENRON@e=
nronXgate, James D Steffes/ENRON@enronXgate, Christopher F Calger/ENRON@enr=
onXgate, Susan J Mara/ENRON@enronXgate, Don Black/ENRON@enronXgate, Jeff Ri=
chter/ENRON@enronXgate, Louise Kitchen/ENRON@enronXgate, Janet R Dietrich/H=
OU/EES@EES, Susan J Mara/ENRON@enronXgate, Linda Robertson/ENRON@enronXgate=
, Harry Kingerski/ENRON@enronXgate, Karen Denne/ENRON@enronXgate, Mark Palm=
er/ENRON@enronXgate, Richard Shapiro/ENRON@enronXgate, Wanda Curry/ENRON@en=
ronXgate, Lisa Mellencamp/ENRON@enronXgate, Mary lynne Ruffer/ENRON@enronXg=
ate, Wade Stubblefield/HOU/EES@EES
Subject:=09FW: California Update--9.02.01

?=09On Friday, the Assembly failed to get its version of the Edison MOU out=
of the appropriations committee.
?=09The bill must pass out of that committee before it can go to the full A=
ssembly for passage.
?=09Negotiations continue among Assembly Democrats about what the final bil=
l should look like.
?=09The Assembly will try again to pass the bill out of the Assembly on Tue=
?=09In response to the California PUC proposed order, which would retroacti=
vely end Direct Access on July 1, the Assembly amended its bill on Friday t=
o include its own "date certain" for the temporary suspension of Direct Acc=
?=09The Assembly bill would now suspend Direct Access beginning August 25.
?=09We are working with others to get the date of suspension changed to eit=
her 1) the date the bill is signed or 2) September 1.
?=09We will provide additional information on Tuesday about the bill's stat=
us and our progress in changing the suspension date.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dasovich, Jeff =20
Sent:=09Friday, August 31, 2001 10:41 AM
To:=09Kean, Steven J.; Kingerski, Harry; Belden, Tim; Sharp, Vicki; Blachma=
n, Jeremy; Comnes, Alan; Tribolet, Michael; Walsh, Kristin; Delainey, David=
; Leff, Dan; Frazier, Lamar; Keeney, Kevin; Blachman, Jeremy; Gahn, Scott; =
Belden, Tim; Swain, Steve; Lavorato, John; Kaufman, Paul; Steffes, James D.=
; Calger, Christopher F.; Mara, Susan; Black, Don; Richter, Jeff; Kitchen, =
Louise; Dietrich, Janet; Mara, Susan; Robertson, Linda; Kingerski, Harry; D=
enne, Karen; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Shapiro, Richard; Curry, Wanda; Mellenca=
mp, Lisa; Ruffer, Mary lynne; Stubblefield, Wade
Subject:=09California Update--08.31.01

?=09The Assembly will attempt to pass its version of the Edison MOU (SB 78)=
out of the Appropriations Committee today.
?=09If and when that occurs, the Assembly will also attempt to get the bill=
passed out of the full Assembly today.
?=09It will be a very long putt to get both accomplished today.
?=09If and when the Assembly gets the bill out of the Assembly today, the b=
ill will move over to the Senate, where the chances of passage are even mor=
e remote.
?=09That said, Davis is making a full court press to get the bill passed ou=
t of both houses for his signature.
?=09Will report back with the events of the Assembly.

Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions (415.782.7822).
