Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Participation in Roundtable on Lessons Learned in California on
Date:Fri, 28 Sep 2001 09:56:31 -0700 (PDT)

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Joe Pratt is the Cullen Professor of Business and History at the University of Houston and author of several energy business histories such of ConEd, Amoco, Texas Eastern Transmission Company, and the National Petroleum Council. He will visit the issue from the vantage point of how are energy corporations perceived in the debate and controversy. He is not an economist but is more market oriented than he used to be. He is buddies with a Cal State professor, Chris Casteneda, who was Pratt's student at UH.

Dr. Pratt is also involved in the Enron oral history project with me.

- Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: Dasovich, Jeff
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:26 AM
To: Bradley, Rob
Subject: FW: Participation in Roundtable on Lessons Learned in California on October 4th

In the constant state of "blur" I'm in, I somehow unintentionally left you off the note. Your comments/thoughts/feedback is of course greatly appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dasovich, Jeff
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 7:12 PM
To: Kean, Steven J.; Shapiro, Richard; Steffes, James D.; Robertson, Linda; Landwehr, Susan M.; Denne, Karen; Mara, Susan; Kaufman, Paul; Nord, Sue; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Guerrero, Janel
Subject: Participation in Roundtable on Lessons Learned in California on October 4th

On October 4th, I'll be trying to fill Rob Bradley's rather large shoes at the Cal State University Center for California Studies' 13th annual envisioning California conference, "Our Year of Disconnect: The Politics of Power in California."

I'll be participating in a Roundtable at the plenary session entitled: "Lessons Learned, Unlearned & To Be Learned: A Roundtable on California's Utility Deregulation."

The Roundtable will be moderated by the State Librarian, Kevin Starr. The other roundtable-ists include:

Chuck Cicchetti (Edison plant? Anyone know what he's up to these days?)
Bob Foster--Edison
Nettie Hoge--head of TURN
Glen Thomas--Chair of the Pennsylvania PUC (any info on Chair Thomas is appreciated)
State Senator Debra Bowen
David Freeman--Self-appointed emporer
Dr. Joseph Pratt--History prof., University of Houston (any info on the professor is also appreciated)

Each of us will have two minutes to open and then Dr. Starr will moderate the ensuing mud-slinging.

Attached are some draft talking points that I threw together for your review. All comments, suggestions, guffaws, etc. are welcome and appreciated.


<< File: CSU Rountable draft talking points 0927.doc <<