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Subject:Search Committee for New Dean Announced; Dean Tyson to Step Down in
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:55:04 -0700 (PDT)

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Haas NewsWire
October 22, 2001



Search Committee for New Dean Announced; Dean Tyson to Step Down in December 2001
Haas School Evacuation: Preparing for Next Time
Haas Students Tutor at Skyline High School
Ganesh Iyer Named 2002-2003 Schwabacher Fellow
Dan Sullivan and Pat Riegg Recognized with Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award
Faculty News
New Staff
Haas in the News
Happening at Haas
Haas Celebrations


Vice Provost Jan de Vries has announced the members of the search committee for the new dean at the Haas School. A memorandum was distributed to the Haas community via e-mail on Friday afternoon.

The memorandum included an incorrect date for Dean Tyson's departure from Haas. She will resign her position as dean at the end of December 2001 as she had planned. Ben Hermalin, associate dean for academic affairs, will be interim dean from January 1, 2002 until a new dean is in place.

The committee responsible for conducting a search and making recommendations for the next dean of the Haas School has been named. The members are:

Barbara Horst Broque, assistant dean for planning, Haas School of Business
Barry Eichengreen, professor , Department of Economics
Hans Grande, MBA 02, MBA student and president of the Haas School MBA Association
Robert D. Haas, BA 64, chairman, Levi Strauss & Co.
Herma Hill Kay, professor, Boalt Hall School of Law
David J. Vogel, the George Quist Professor of Business Ethics, Haas School
James A. Wilcox, the Kruttschnitt Family Professor of Financial Institutions, Haas School
Janet L. Yellen, the Eugene E. and Catherine M. Trefethen Professor of Business Administration, Haas School

Professor Mark Lemley of the Boalt Hall School of Law will serve as chair of the committee. Another alumni member of the search committee is likely to be announced soon, according to officials.

The committee will consult with the school community for both suggestions and views on candidates. De Vries, who is vice provost for academic affairs and faculty welfare, formed the committee after consultation with various campus constituencies.


The Haas School was evacuated and the school was closed for classes and business last Wednesday afternoon after receiving a report of an unknown substance on several items of mail in an office in the faculty building. Both UC Police and a hazardous materials team were called in to conduct field tests and secure the scene. Officials reported that the substance was not hazardous. The event gave school officials a chance to witness the Haas emergency plan in action.

"Overall the emergency plan was very effective, but there are some issues to be addressed," said Jay Stowsky, associate dean for school affairs and initiatives. "We need to make sure that all of the faculty, staff, and students know what to do in case of an emergency."

The Haas School administration has an official emergency plan. All faculty and staff are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the procedures outlined in building emergency plan. The full emergency plan can be downloaded at <http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/haas/emrginf2.html<;. Haas Facilities Manager Edward Madera is working on a one-page emergency preparedness fact sheet for faculty, staff, and students to have on hand for reference.

In the meantime, it is important to remember a few simple rules for evacuating the building:

+ Stay calm, do not rush, and do not panic.
+ Safely stop your work.
+ Gather your personal belongings if it is safe to do so. (Take prescription medications, your home and car keys, and your wallet with you if at all possible; it may be hours before you are allowed back in the building.)
+ If safe, close your office door and window, but do not lock them.
+ Use the nearest safe stairs and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator.
+ Proceed to the designated Emergency Assembly Area (EAA):
+From the faculty building, evacuate to Gayley Plaza located directly in front of the Haas School.
+From the student services building, evacuate to the Boalt Hall parking lot.
+From Cheit Hall, evacuate west of Cheit Hall between Minor Hall (the optometry building) and the Women's Faculty Club.
+ Wait for any instructions from emergency responders.
+ Do not re-enter the building or work area until you have been instructed to do so by the emergency responders.
+ If you are told to leave the area and later on want information on the status of the Haas School, visit the Haas web page at <http://haas.berkeley.edu/<;.

For the latest instructions campus-wide emergency preparedness visit the UC Berkeley Office of Emergency Preparedness site at <http://public-safety.berkeley.edu/oepweb/<. This site also has information on mail handling procedures.


Lending a hand to high school students, even in a small way, can make a world of difference. The Haas School's outreach program Young Entrepreneurs at Haas (YEP) has done just this for years, and now the MBA students are adding to this outreach by tutoring at Skyline High School in Oakland.

Every Monday (the class-free day of the week), Haas MBA students travel to Skyline High School to tutor students in math, English, and career planning as part of the MBA Education Club. The tutoring takes place during the Skyline lunch hours.

The tutoring program started last year after J.P. Tennant, MBA 01 and former emergency relief teacher at Skyline, organized a small group of students to give some of their time to help Oakland students with academics. This year the MBA Education Club has continued the tutoring program at Skyline and needs more volunteers.

"If we get more support from Haas students we will expand the program to Berkeley High this year," said Doug Buzbee, MBA 02, the tutoring program coordinator. "Without greater involvement from students though, we may have difficulty sustaining the current program at Skyline, let alone expanding into Berkeley."

Skyline High School students, teachers, and administrators alike appreciate the tutoring provided by Haas MBA students. Jim Delbridge, a 10th grade math teacher, provides his classroom during lunch hours so that students can get help from Haas volunteers. The level of help needed is basic - reading, algebra, analytical geometry, and some calculus - but Skyline students benefit and genuinely appreciate the help.

"Tutoring at Skyline is obviously rewarding unto itself," says MBA student Jon Metzler. "But as a Haas student, it's also a way to keep connected with the local community, which I think lends perspective to what we do at Haas."

If students are interested in becoming a Haas tutor, please contact Doug Buzbee at buzbee@haas.berkeley.edu.

In addition to the Education Club's tutoring initiative at Skyline, eight Young Entrepreneur Program mentors meet twice a month here at Haas with fifteen Skyline students. These Skyline students are part of the 84 students involved in the Haas-based Young Entrepreneurs Program this year. The 2001 YEP class members hail from over 20 schools across the Oakland, Berkeley, and West Contra Costa school districts. YEP, which was founded in 1989, teaches basic business skills to 9th and 10th graders and is supported by more than forty Haas MBA volunteer mentors/business coaches.


Ganesh Iyer, assistant professor in the marketing group, was selected as the Schwabacher Fellow for 2002-03. The fellowship is the highest honor that the Haas School bestows upon assistant professors. In addition to the honor, the fellowship offers a small cash prize, a research budget, and a reduction in teaching load. During his fellowship year, Iyer will continue his research in the areas of customer information markets, consumer identification and targeting, and Internet institutions and their market impact.

"Ganesh was chosen by the Haas faculty executive committee because of the excellence of his research, the strength of his teaching, and his overall contributions to the school," said Ben Hermalin, associate dean for academic affairs. In addition, his paper, "Markets for Product Modification Information," won the John D.C. Little Award for the best paper published in marketing science in 2000.

The Schwabacher Fellowship has traditionally been awarded to an assistant professor or pair of assistant professors to acknowledge their accomplishments in teaching and research. A committee made up of the academic group chairs and the assistant professors' representatives chooses the recipients.

Recent Schwabacher Fellows

2001-02 Florian Zettelmeyer and Xiao-Jun Zhang
2000-01 Priya Raghubir
1999-2000 no award
1998-99 Rui de Figueiredo and Sunil Dutta
1997-98 Jay Swaminathan
1996-97 Debu Purohit and Richard Stanton
1995-96 Matthew Spiegel
1994-95 Jenny Chatman and Rich Lyons
1993-94 Ben Hermalin
1992-93 Hua He
1991-92 no award
1990-91 Rashi Glazer


Two staff members who play important roles in the lives of Haas School MBA and undergraduate business students received one of the highest honors presented to staff, the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award. Dan Sullivan, director of student services in the MBA program, and Pat Riegg, career counselor for undergraduate business students in the Cal Career Center, were honored at a ceremony with the chancellor and vice chancellors on October 16, 2001.

"Dan truly cares about students and it shows in every thing that he does," said Dave Downes, director of the MBA program. "He will spend hours helping a student with a difficult problem, even though it means he will need to stay in the office long after 5:00 p.m. in order to get his own work finished. He inspires his staff to do the same and he is an excellent coach and mentor for them."

Riegg, who works out of the central campus career center, is the primary point of contact for Haas undergraduates in need of career services. "As a result of her 'can do' attitude, over the years, she earned the admiration and respect of students and employers," said Tom Devlin, director of the UC Berkeley Career Center. "Essentially, she is the heart and soul of career services for the undergraduates at the Haas School. Pat is a strong advocate and practitioner of good customer service and it shows in the high esteem her customers -- students and employers -- have of her."

Each year the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award (COSA) is given to staff members who have made exceptional contributions toward the university's mission of excellence in teaching, research, and public service. Nominations are accepted from staff, faculty, and students.


The Manufacturing and Information Technology (MIT) Group has been renamed the Operations and Information Technology Management (OITM) Group. Please note this change in all communications mentioning this group coming from the Haas School.


Susie Hanna joined the dean's staff as an administrative assistant in August. She is the primary contact for visitors and callers, will assist in all events sponsored by Dean Tyson, and will manage most of the administrative daily functions of the dean's suite.

Hanna was previously a library assistant II in the Engineering Library. She is currently working towards her masters degree in public administration and public policy at Cal State University, Hayward. She holds a bachelors in psychobiology from UC Riverside. In her spare time, Hanna enjoys reading, running, and shopping.

Hanna's desk is located in the dean's suite. She can be reached via e-mail at hanna@haas.berkeley.edu. Her phone number is 510-642-4917.


The Contra Costa Times quoted Severin Borenstein, the E.T. Grether Professor in Public Policy and Business Administration, in an article about the continuation plans for California's power industry restructure. Read the whole story here: <http://www.contracostatimes.com/biztech/stories_business/0roadmap_20011019.htm<.

Hal Varian, the dean of the School of Information Management and Systems and professor in the Haas Operations and Information Technology Management group, was quoted in the Wall Street Journal on October 22 in a piece that shows how some of the tech companies in Silicon Valley are dealing with anthrax scares.

Terrance Odean, assistant professor in the Haas finance group, was quoted in the Washington Post on October 21 in a story titled "Cashing In and Missing Out?" about investors who are now shifting investments back in forth trying to predict the market.

Nick Jewell, professor of biostatistics and statistics at the School of Public Health who teaches at Haas, was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle in an article titled, "Never mind anthrax -- watch out for plastic bags: Everyday accidents far deadlier than bioterrorism," on October 20. Read the full text at <http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/10/20/MN184127.DTL<.

On October 18, Pete Sealey, adjunct professor of marketing, was quoted in the Sacramento Bee in a story about recent airline marketing, which was titled "Airlines' Ads Go Low Key."

Brett Trueman, the Donald and Ruth Seiler Professor of Public Accounting, was quoted in Forbes Magazine on October 15 in an article titled, "Eyeballing It; Some Depressed Web Stocks are Bargains. How to Find Them."


Management of Technology Lecture
"Evolution of Silicon Valley Management Strategy," by Aart de Geus, chairman and founder, Synopsys
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wells Fargo Room
For more information, contact Susan Reneau at sreneau@haas.berkeley.edu.

Haas Technology Club Lecture Series
"The Future of Data Storage," by Kris Hagerman, senior vice president for Corporate Development, Veritas Software
Thursday, October 25, 2001
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Room C220, Cheit Hall

C4C Halloween Ball
Halloween Ball in the City
Curve Bar & Restaurant, 747 Third Street, San Francisco, 415-896-2286, http://www.curvebar.com/ <http://www.curvebar.com/%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0%A0<
October 26, 2001
9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Location TBD
For more information, contact Wendy Hsu at 510-524-3502 or via email at whsu@haas.berkeley.edu.

Management of Technology Lecture
"Venture Investing in High Tech," by Robert Zider, founder, Beta Group
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wells Fargo Room
For more information, contact Susan Reneau at sreneau@haas.berkeley.edu.

Haas Technology Club Lecture Series
"Enterprise E-business Software -- Exploiting Relationship Management," by Dan Ford, general manager, Siebel Systems
Thursday, November 1, 2001
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Room C220, Cheit Hall

UC Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum
"Beyond The Genome: What's Next in Biotech?" Guest Speakers: Brian Atwood, managing director, Versant Ventures, and Barry Bunin, Libraria.
Thursday, October 25, 2001
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Arthur Andersen Auditorium
Price: $35 pre-registration, $45 at door. Reserved parking (with pre-registration only), $15.
For more information, contac: Kathryn Thorpe at 510- 642-4255 or visit <http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/groups/lester/bef.html<;.

Boalt Hall Lecture
Leigh Steinberg
October 24, 2001
4:00 p.m.
Booth Auditorium in Boalt Hall
Steinberg is the founding partner of Steinberg & Moorad, a law firm representing more than 150 high-profile professional athletes. He will be discussing how sports representation in the past has changed the way it is today and how it will be in this new millennium.

Rebuilding Lower Manhattan
Thursday, October 25
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Morrison Room, Main Library, UC Berkeley Campus
A discussion sponsored by the School of Journalism, the Program on Housing and Urban Policy and BRIDGE Housing Corporation in collaboration with the architecture firm of Kaplan, McLaughlin, Diaz.

Goldman, Sachs & Co.'s Investment Banking Case Competition
Tuesday, October 30, 2001
6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Arthur Andersen Auditorium
All students, faculty, and staff are invited to watch the four finalist teams present in the Investment Banking Case Competition. A reception will follow the presentation.

"Contract Labor in Silicon Valley," by Steve Barley, Stanford University Engineering
Thursday, October 25, 2001
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Room C250, Cheit Hall
For more information, contact, Deborah Houy at houy@haas.berkeley.edu.

"Ownership, Efficiency, and the Market Value of Hospitals" by Paul Gertler (UC Berkeley)
Thursday, October 25, 2001
4:15 p.m to 5:45 pm
Room C110 Cheit Hall
For more information, contact June Wong at june@haas.berkeley.edu.

Rebecca Ratner
Thursday, October 25, 2001
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Room C330
For more information, contact Laura Gardner at lgardner@haas.berkeley.edu.

"Entrepreneurship and Information Asymmetry: Theory and Evidence from Startups at the University of California," by Robert Lowe, UC Berkeley
Thursday, October 25, 2001
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Room C325, Cheit Hall
For more information, contact Anita Stephens at stephens@haas.berkeley.edu.

"Ownership, Efficiency, and The Market Value of Hospitals," by Paul Gertler, UC Berkeley
Friday, October 26, 2001
4:00 p.m.
Room C325, Cheit Hall
For more information, contact Lorraine Seiji at seiji@haas.berkeley.edu.

Nathan Novemsky
Thursday, November 1, 2001
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Room C330
For more information, contact Laura Gardner at lgardner@haas.berkeley.edu.

Olga Khessina, doctoral student, Haas School of Business
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Room C250, Cheit Hall
For more information, contact, Deborah Houy at houy@haas.berkeley.edu.

"Public Versus Private Provision of Corporate Law," by Gillian Hadfield, LECG
Thursday, November 1, 2001
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Room C325, Cheit Hall
For more information, contact Anita Stephens at stephens@haas.berkeley.edu.

Stephen Malpezzi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Friday, November 2, 2001
11:00 a.m.
Room C250, Cheit Hall
For more information, contact Lynn Lobner at lyoung@haas.berkeley.edu.

Los Angeles Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network
Alumni Mixer
Tuesday, October 23
7:30 p.m.
El Torito Beverly Hills, 9595 Wilshire Blvd., 310-550-1599, parking is underground
Alumni Mixer to welcome our recent graduates back to Los Angeles. This is the perfect opportunity for you to renew old acquaintances and make new business and social contacts or just enjoy a margarita with some fellow Haas graduates. No need to RSVP just show up!
For more information contact Reuben Berman, BS 95 at reuben.berman.2001@anderson.ucla.edu.

Washington D.C. Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network
Inaugural Bar/Restaurant of the Month
Wednesday, October 24
8:00 p.m.
Jaleo, Tapas and Bar
7271 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda, MD, 301-913-0003
The D.C. chapter invites you to the first monthly gathering to socialize, network, and reminisce with fellow grads of the Haas/Berkeley business school. To give everyone a chance to attend an event close to home, these monthly gatherings will alternate among DC, Baltimore, and Northern Virginia venues -- including bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, etc.
RSVP: Rudi Thun, MBA '98, rudithun@hotmail.com or 301-977-5967.

Smart Tools for Managing New Business Development
Join Bay Area MBA alumni from eight business schools for a presentation by Rita McGrath entitled, "Smart Tools for Managing New Business Development"
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $5.00.
Online Registration: <http://www.acteva.com/go/cbsalum<;.
The talk will be followed by a Happy Hour at Le Colonial (20 Cosmo Place--San Francisco)
For more information, contact the Alumni Relations Office at (510) 642-7790 or email alumni@haas.berkeley.edu.

East Bay Chapter Haas Connection
The East Bay Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network invites you to network and exchange ideas with fellow East Bay alumni and Haas students on the first Thursday of every month.
For All Haas Alums and Haas Students. No fee, no risk, all networking and industry gossip -- upside only!
Thursday, November 1, 2001
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Pyramid Brewery, 901 Gilman Street at Eighth Street in Berkeley.
For more information, contact Bill Vederman, East Bay Chapter President at vederman@alumni.haas.org.

Alumni Celebration Dinner
Thursday, November 8, 2001
Haas School of Business, Wells Fargo Room
Reception: 6:30 p.m., dinner: 7:00 p.m.
The Haas Alumni Network invites you to honor this year's Business Leader of the Year & Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Peter E. Haas, BS 40. The Haas Alumni Network will honor those who have made notable contributions to the Haas School of Business and to the community at large.
Also being recognized are the Raymond E. Miles Alumni Service Award Recipients and the Haas Alumni Network Chapter of the Year.
Deadline to register: November 1, 2001.
Online Registration: <http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/alumni/registration<;
For more information, contact the Alumni Relations Office at (510) 642-7790 or email alumni@haas.berkeley.edu.

Big Game Tailgate
Saturday, November 17, 2001
Frost Amphitheater, Stanford University
Join Cal alumni for a pre-game BBQ tailgate at the Frost Amphitheater, Stanford University. The event will be held two-and-a-half hours before kick-off (tentative kickoff at 12:30 pm). Cost TBD.
For more information call the Cal Alumni Association Southern Cal office at 1-877-CAL-ALUM.


Michael Matthews, October 29
debi fidler, October 31
Ajuah Helton, November 1
Jamie Abernathy, November 2
Meredith LaCorte, November 2
Dan Himelstein, November 3
Jennifer Jensen, November 4
Forrest Smalley, November 5

The Haas NewsWire respects the wishes of staff and faculty who would not like their birthdays announced. Please e-mail a request to have your birthday marked "do not announce" on the central birthday list to Haasnews@haas.berkeley.edu.

The Haas NewsWire is the electronic news weekly for the Haas community published every Monday by the Marketing and Communications Office at the Haas School. Send your news, feedback, and suggestions to haasnews@haas.berkeley.edu.

Archived issues of Haas NewsWire are available online at

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