Enron Mail

To:sue.nord@enron.com, susan.landwehr@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,marchris.robinson@enron.com, lisa.yoho@enron.com, aleck.dadson@enron.com
Subject:EBS Update
Cc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com
Bcc:richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com
Date:Mon, 26 Jun 2000 13:08:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Scott Bolton/Enron Communications on 06/26/00 08:05 PM=

=09EBS Office of the Chairman
=09Sent by: EBS Announcements
=0906/27/00 04:27 PM
=09=09 To: All EBS Worldwide
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: EBS Update

EBS has realized many significant accomplishments in this first half of 200=
We continue to make excellent progress in building out the EIN, as well as=
delivering on our two primary commercial opportunities, Bandwidth=20
Intermediation and Broadband Content Services. In addition, EBS continues =
represent a significant portion of Enron=01,s overall market value. We are=
excited about maintaining and growing our momentum. We want to take this=
opportunity to share with you an update on our progress to date and to=20
discuss EBS=01, plans for the remainder of this year.=20

Development of the Enron Intelligent Network

To date we have 14,601 route miles of fiber owned and contracted in the U.S=
. =20
Of this fiber, 4,051 miles are currently lit and operational and we expect =
have 9,095 miles lit by the end of this year. In addition, we have deploye=
54 PoP=01,s and installed two pooling points within our U.S. network.

EBS also completed the acquisition of Warpspeed Communications, a leading=
provider of on-demand switched bandwidth services. The newly named Enron=
Broadband Switching Systems (EBSS) division provides us with significantly=
enhanced =01&intelligence=018 for the network, greatly enhancing our bandwi=
trading and broadband content delivery capabilities. EBSS software will be=
incorporated into the EBS fiber optic platform to increase the speed and=20
efficiency of our own network as well as switching capability between=20

Content Services

The EBS Content Services business consists of our content delivery services=
and distribution network. During the first half of 2000 we signed landmark=
long-term agreements with several key content providers including Blockbust=
Inc., which will be publicly announced shortly, to provide video on demand=
(VOD) services for Blockbuster=01,s large full-length movie base, and Bridg=
Information Systems to deliver financial content and real time business new=
to enterprises. =20

We have also established an effort focused on delivering broadband solution=
to the rapidly evolving Applications Service Providers (ASP) sector. Our=
agreement with i2, a leader in supply chain management software, allows us =
sell network services as well as jointly pursue service offerings to the=20
rapidly growing online exchange community.

We also extended the EIN reach to approximately 20 million desktops through=
new broadband distribution agreements with Bell South, US West, and SW Bell=
to support the distribution of rich media content. Additionally, we have=
reached an agreement with Bell Nexxia to expand the EIN into Canada, which=
provides the basis for future distribution deals.=20
Bandwidth Intermediation =20

Our intermediation business includes the development of highly structured=
bandwidth solutions for our customers as well as the EBS effort to develop=
and trade bandwidth directly with the market. Both efforts have been=20
extremely successful this year. =20

In addition, we began offering bandwidth trades on EnronOnline in April. T=
date, we have completed 25 total trades, with several trades being executed=
through EnronOnline. We have recently surpassed our 2000 goal of 5,000 DS-3=
months, to be settled by year-end, in just the first six months of the year=
Additionally, we have signed long-term, wholesale origination deals for the=
network with Frontier, Datacom, Orconet and Neon.

Current Metrics and Statistics

Metric Current 2000 Target

Total Contract
Value =01) Content $59.05 Million* $160 Million

DS-3 Months 5,152 5000

Route Miles 14,601 15,000

POP=01,s Deployed** 106 250=20

* Excludes Blockbuster VOD
** Modified from =01&Servers Deployed=018 due to a revised architecture for=
Cast servers=20

We want to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on the EBS team f=
all of your hard work and for making these great strides.=20

Remaining Year 2000 Goals and Objectives

While we have had an outstanding first half of the year, we must focus on=
accomplishing some formidable financial and non-financial goals in the=20
remaining six months. To achieve our 2000 goals, we feel we must accomplish=
the following:

1. Complete the fiber build of the network, specifically Houston to New=20
2. Increase the number of operational pooling points domestically to 13, a=
bring online our London pooling point.=20
3. Ensure the highest QoS and reliability to our content and Broadband=20
Distribution Partners (BDP) customers through a stable and robust streaming=
4. Develop an integrated and consistent service offering to our Enterprise=
and ASP customer base.
5. Establish sufficient liquidity and transparency in our traded bandwidth=
and storage products to manage risk throughout the organization and enable=
risk =20
management to be profitable on a stand-alone basis.
6. Ensure that we have the resources, accountability and focus on the=20
service delivery side of the organization to enable us to be successful in=
executing on our=20
strategy. =20

It is with these goals in mind that we make following modifications to the=
organization. An organization chart for both EBS global and EBS Europe is=
attached which details all departmental reporting relationships. Some of t=
more significant changes are discussed below:

Commercial Coverage

We remain convinced that we must focus our efforts on customers rather than=
products in order to be successful in capitalizing on opportunities in the=
rapidly evolving broadband marketplace. Further, while our service offerin=
can still be broadly defined as intermediation and/or content services, our=
marketing approach toward enterprise customers must differ substantially fr=
that of our media and entertainment content customers. =20

We also are more likely to offer bundled solutions combining both streaming=
and/or bandwidth products to the enterprise segment, while our streaming=20
platform is forefront in the minds of our media and content customers. In=
addition, there is significant potential for integrated transactions among=
the Enterprise, Technology Partners, and ASP/ISV customer segments. To=20
capture the tremendous opportunities these customer bases provide, we have=
segmented our customer coverage functions into three groups:=20

Content and Distribution Services will be led by David Cox and will focus i=
efforts intensely on aggregating high bandwidth content and ensuring high=
quality delivery through its Broadband Distribution Partner (BDP) customer=
base. Stewart Seeligson will join David Cox to provide day-to-day manageme=
of our efforts in this area. David will continue to focus on large=20
commercial opportunities and provide commercial direction over the deployme=
of our streaming platform. Stewart will focus on driving the commercial=20
activities of the group. April Hodgson and Steve Luginbill will report to=
Stewart. In addition, due to the scale of efforts required to make the=20
Blockbuster agreement a success, we have formed a Video on Demand (VOD) tea=
consisting of cross-functional expertise. This team is led by Frank Bay, w=
also reports to David Cox. =20

Enterprise/ASP will be led jointly by Jim Crowder and Rex Shelby, and will=
focus on providing bundled solutions to this rapidly evolving business=20
marketplace. In addition, this group will continue to be responsible for o=
key strategic relationships. =20

The Wholesale Group, led by Ted Seitz, will continue to focus its coverage=
efforts on the traditional telecom sectors of carriers, ISP=01,s, CLEC=01,s=
, RBOC=01,
s, global carriers and transcontinental capacity providers located in the=
U.S. and Canada.

EBS Europe

Unlike many of Enron=01,s traditional businesses, the communications busine=
ss is=20
truly global in nature. Therefore, it is essential that we extend ourselve=
internationally in areas where we can leverage our existing network and ski=
sets. We feel that the European region now presents significant=20
opportunities to EBS, and we are pleased to announce that Steve Elliott,=20
former head of Network Development, will be moving to London as President o=
EBS Europe to head up this effort. Joining Steve in London will be Kevin=
Kohnstamm as VP of Network and Business Implementation. =20

Steve=01,s former responsibilities will be shared by: Ted Seitz, who will=
oversee the development of the network domestically from a commercial=20
perspective, as well as manage our Canadian initiatives; Jon Thomsen who wi=
consolidate our Latin American activities in Mexico and South America. We=
will also be consolidating all of our Asian activities into one group, whos=
leadership we will announce shortly. In addition, we are pleased to announ=
that Raj Thapar has now joined us from Enron India. Raj will manage all of=
EBS=01, activities in India, where he will work closely with the Enron Indi=
team headed by Sanjay Bhatnagar. Raj will report to Steve Elliott.

David Leatherwood and the Network Construction group will now report to Joh=
Griebling in John=01,s capacity as head of Network Engineering and Operatio=

Product Engineering

The rapidly evolving nature of the broadband streaming services business,=
coupled with the robust capabilities of the EIN, provide EBS with almost=20
unlimited potential streaming application opportunities. At the same time,=
we must deliver on the capabilities of established products. To balance th=
need for execution with the need to develop new products, we have segmented=
the former Product Development group into two efforts: =20

Diane Hetzel will lead the newly named Product Engineering group, which is=
charged with application development and deployment on our network of all=
current EBS product offerings. Diane will report to the Office of the=20
Chairman. Also, Global Information Systems, managed by Laura Beneville, wi=
now report to Diane.

John Bloomer will head the New Products and Technology group, which will=20
identify emerging product and technology opportunities with the goal of=20
eventual commercialization and integration into our product offering. John=
will report to Scott Yeager=01,s Strategic Development group.

Risk Management Systems

In order to succeed in developing a broad-based product offering that can=
scale effectively, EBS must put in place an integrated state-of-the-art=20
transaction-processing platform. This requires effective coordination of a=
risk system development activities. =20

John Echols joins EBS as head of the new Risk Systems Development and Servi=
Delivery group. John brings a wealth of experience in transaction systems=
development from Enron North America and Enron Energy Services. To ensure=
that we are developing appropriate risk reporting and customer service=20
capabilities to this effort, Barry Pearce and Penny Crane, who head these=
respective functions, will report to John. In addition, David Reece will=
join John as Project Manager for all risk management systems=01, software=

Broadband Operating System (BOS)

The successful implementation of an Application Programming Interface (API)=
for broadband applications remains a key component of EBS=01,s overall=20
strategy. The ability of applications to have access to bandwidth capacity=
on-demand is integral to the success of our network and the broadband=20
marketplace in general. Larry Ciscon will continue in his role as Chief=20
Architect for the Broadband Operating System (BOS). Everett Plante will=20
assume the role of Program Manager for BOS to provide the necessary linkage=
to the network architecture efforts of the EIN.


A core competency of Enron has been its ability to identify, segment,=20
appropriately price and manage risks rigorously in emerging commodity=20
markets, while continuing to be flexible enough to rank by Fortune as the=
most innovative company in America. Across the company, an effective=20
structuring group with the proper representation of financial, technical an=
other assorted disciplines has been a key part of this success. Towards th=
end, we have established the Structuring and Transaction Development group=
under Brad Richter and Steve Barth. =20

We also have merged the Sales Engineering group, led by Merat Bagha into th=
structuring group to ensure the proper technical input for all potential=20
transactions. It is essential that we support this group in its efforts by=
allowing structuring to review all transactions emanating from the customer=
coverage groups to ensure proper pricing, accountability, and documentation=
of all related risks. The efforts of this group are critical in establishi=
the framework to allow our business to scale exponentially to meet the=20
accelerating demands of the broadband marketplace.

Trading and Risk Management

Jim Fallon, formerly Managing Director of Power Trading and Risk Management=
for Enron North America, has joined EBS as head of Global Risk Management. =
Jim and his team is charged with replicating the successful trading platfor=
he built in North America into a bandwidth trading platform for EBS. Paul=
Racicot, VP of Bandwidth Trading, will head the North America trading desk,=
and Marcello Romano, Director of Bandwidth Trading, will head this function=
in Europe, while reporting jointly to both Jim and Steve Elliott. . As=20
previously announced, VP John Scoblick will head real estate risk, and IRU=
Management, led by Andy Unverzagt, will also report to Jim.

Warpspeed Acquisition=20

We highlighted above the significance of the Warpspeed acquisition. Terry=
Stavropoulos, VP, Mike Golden, EBSS-CTO, and Andy Rundquist, architect, lea=
Enron Broadband Switching Systems, formerly Warpspeed. We welcome the EBSS=
team of 55 employees to the EBS team. =20

Staff Functions

Kelly Kimberly, formerly Senior VP of Marketing, Communication and PR for=
Enron=01,s international companies, now leads that function for EBS as well=
overseeing the Market Interface and Intelligence group, headed by VP Tony=
Mends. It is critical that our external message be consistent to ensure we=
are communicating EBS=01, strategy effectively. Toward this end, the marke=
representatives, formerly in the verticals, will now report directly to Kel=

As was recently announced, Marla Barnard is now leading the HR function for=
EBS. We recognize that intellectual capital is our most important resource=
. =20
Marla will focus on keeping EBS competitive by developing strategies to=20
ensure that EBS is able to attract, develop and retain the best talent in t=

We are in a rapidly changing and dynamic industry. While our strategy and=
overall objectives will remain unchanged, we must continue to be flexible o=
how we execute on our strategy and achieve our objectives to effectively=20
respond to the changing needs of our customers and to new opportunities in=
the marketplace. This requires timely modifications to our organization. =
are convinced that we have a winning strategy and the best team in the worl=
to execute on our strategy.=20

While we have accomplished a great deal in the first six months of 2000, le=
s build on this momentum and work together to achieve our goals over the=20
remainder of the year.=20


<<<< Link to PowerPoint Presentation EBSORGOO.ppt and EBSEurope.ppt (Open=
document and right click on the icon to launch or view).

If you are not able to use the link then to access PowerPoint Presentation=
open database using ECPDXAPPS01/Enron Communications as the server and in t=
"Apps" folder find the "ECI Corporate Document Repository" database and ope=
the database. Open the view "By Category" <<< Chairman's Updates <<< Email=
messages from the Office of the Chairman.