Enron Mail

To:kevin.kohnstamm@enron.com, mitch.olson@enron.com
Subject:Potential Opportunity for ECI
Cc:dlassere@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com
Bcc:dlassere@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com
Date:Mon, 17 Jan 2000 05:52:00 -0800 (PST)

Fellas, please read below. Do we have a need for extra capacity in
California? Mitch, could this be a re-sell opportunity? Let me know if this
is at all attractive. Thanks.

----- Forwarded by Scott Bolton/Enron Communications on 01/17/00 01:49 PM

01/17/00 11:46 AM

To: Scott Bolton/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Potential Opportunity for ECI

Greetings Scott:
As we discussed, an acquaintance of mine is a lawyer whose client is the
California Independent System Operator (ISO). The ISO contracted with MCI (a
couple of years ago) to build a broad band network ( OC-48) to support
electricity deregulation in California. (Friends of mine at MCI worked on the
deal.) Since that time, the ISO has discovered that it has capacity
substantially in excess of what it needs to operate the grid (and certain
markets for power, e.g., ancillary services). The ISO is none to happy about
having been sold an "overbuild" network by MCI.

But given MCI's reputation, the ISO is looking at marketing the capacity
than trying to re-negotiate the contract with MCI. Sounds like the capacity
runs between Sacramento (Folsom?) and Southern California (Alhambra?).
be an opportunity for ECI to get some quality capacity at a substantial
discount. I've let Tom Gros know about it, too (bandwidth trading
opportunity?). Please pass along to ECI folks for their assessment.
