Enron Mail

To:napedersen@jonesday.com, aamirali@caiso.com, adonnelly@prmllp.com,agold@coral-energy.com, alan.killion@williams.com, alex.sugaoka@uaecorp.com, askaff@energy-law-group.com, bbrunel@smud.org, bcope@ci.redding.ca.us, bcragg@gmssr.com, bhabersack@gasbiz
Subject:A.01-06-020; PG&E open season
Cc:gwright@sempra.com, llorenz@socalgas.com
Bcc:gwright@sempra.com, llorenz@socalgas.com
Date:Thu, 21 Jun 2001 01:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached is the response of Southern California Gas Company to PG&E's
A.01-06-020, which was filed yesterday.? (Hard copies were fedexed to PG&E
and the ALJ)

-- Glen Sullivan
Attorney for SoCalGas
(619) 699-5162
email:? gsullivan@semrpa.com

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