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Enron Mail |
Here it the alternate decision itself.
Peter Bray The New Power Company "Delaney Hunter" <dhunter@s-k-w.com< 03/02/01 09:01 AM Please respond to dhunter To: "Aaron Thomas (E-mail)" <athomas@newenergy.com<, " 'Allan Lippincott'" <alippin@mail.arco.com<, " Ann Cohn (E-mail)" <cohnap@sce.com<, " 'Ann Watson'" <anw@cpuc.ca.gov<, " Anna Ferrera (E-mail)" <Anna.Ferrera@SEN.CA.GOV<, " 'Art Carter'" <debinorton@aol.com<, " 'assistant for John Fielder'" <moravekj@sce.com<, " Audra Hartmann (E-mail)" <ath@cpuc.ca.gov<, " Barbara Barkovich (E-mail)" <brbarkovich@earthlink.net<, " 'Becky Kilbourne'" <bakilbourne@calpx.com<, " Bill Booth (E-mail)" <wbooth@booth-law.com<, " 'Bill Dombrowski'" <cra@calretailers.com<, " Bill Keese (E-mail)" <wkeese@energy.state.ca.us<, " Bill Zobel (E-mail)" <bzobel@mail.arco.com<, " 'Bob Foster'" <fosterrg@sce.com<, " 'Bob Houston'" <houstgrp@pacbell.net<, " Brian Kelly (E-mail)" <Brian.Kelly@sen.ca.gov<, " Carolyn McIntyre (E-mail)" <cmcintyre@sempra.com<, " Catherine Hackney (E-mail)" <hacknece@sce.com<, " Charles Bacchi (E-mail)" <charles.bacchi@asm.ca.gov<, " Cindy Richburg Howell (E-mail)" <chowell@sempra.com<, " 'Craig Brown'" <brownc@epenergy.com<, " Dan Carroll (E-mail)" <dcarroll@dbsr.com<, " Delbert Fore (E-mail)" <Fore.Delbert@EPEnergy.com<, " 'Denice Cazalet'" <dcazalet@apx.com<, " Dennis Price (E-mail)" <priced@epenergy.com<, " 'Denny Samuel'" <dsam@chevron.com<, " 'Dominic DiMare'" <dominic.DiMare@calchamber.com<, " Dorothy Rothrock (E-mail)" <drothrock@cmta.net<, " Doug Fernley (E-mail)" <Fernley.Doug@EPEnergy.com<, " 'Ed Yates'" <ed@clfp.com<, " Edson Karen (E-mail)" <kedson@ns.net<, " Eloy Garcia (E-mail)" <egarcia@ka-pow.com<, " Evelyn Elsesser (E-mail)" <eke@aelaw.com<, " Gary Heath (E-mail)" <gheath@eob.ca.gov<, " 'Gordon McDonald'" <gordon.mcdonald@pacificorp.com<, " Greg Hardy (E-mail)" <hardygl@texaco.com<, " 'Jack Flanigan'" <jackflanigan@flaniganlaw.com<, " Jack Gualco (E-mail)" <Jackson_Gualco@gualcogroup.com<, " 'Jack Stewart'" <jstewart@cmta.net<, " 'James Boyd'" <jim@resources.ca.gov<, " Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)" <smutny@iepa.com<, " Jeanne Cain (E-mail)" <Jeanne.Cain@calchamber.com<, " Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <jdasovic@enron.com<, " 'Jerry Jordan'" <jordan@cmua.org<, " Jim Groniger (E-mail)" <gronijn@texaco.com<, " Joe Lyons (E-mail)" <joseph.lyons@asm.ca.gov<, " 'Joe Ronan'" <joer@calpine.com<, " John Bridges (E-mail)" <bridgesj@epenergy.com<, " 'John Fielder'" <fieldejr@sce.com<, " John Fistolera (E-mail)" <johnf@ncpa.com<, " John Larrea (E-mail)" <John.g.Larrea@williams.com<, " John Rozsa (E-mail)" <John.Rozsa@sen.ca.gov<, " John White (E-mail)" <vjw@cleanpower.org<, " 'Joseph Alamo'" <jalamo@enron.com<, " Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)" <jmball@ns.net<, " 'Julia Wright'" <jwright@smithandkempton.com<, " Kelly Boyd (E-mail)" <Kelly.Boyd@asm.ca.gov< cc: Mday@MSSR.com, " " <sgovenar@govadv.com<, " Karen Jarrell (E-mail)" <kjarrell@smurfit.com<, " Karen Koyano (E-mail)" <kykoyano@calpx.com<, " 'Karen Lindh'" <karen@klindh.com<, " Karen Mills (E-mail)" <kmills@cfbf.com<, " 'Kari Harteloo'" <klc@aelaw.com<, " Kassandra Gough (E-mail)" <kgough@calpine.com<, " Kathy Brandenburg (E-mail)" <katherinebrandenburg@flaniganlaw.com<, " Kay Grosulak (E-mail)" <kgrosulak@sppc.com<, " Keith McCrea (E-mail)" <kmccrea@sablaw.com<, " Kent Smith (E-mail)" <ksmith@energy.state.ca.us<, " Kevin Lynch (E-mail)" <Kevin.Lynch@pacifiCorp.com<, " Kevin Smith (E-mail)" <kevins@ncpa.com<, " Kip Lipper (E-mail)" <kip.lipper@sen.ca.gov<, " Lawrence Lingbloom (E-mail)" <lawrence.lingbloom@sen.ca.gov<, " Lenny Goldberg (E-mail)" <lga@mother.com<, " Louis Szablya (E-mail)" <szablyal@epenergy.com<, " Marc Joseph (E-mail)" <mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com<, " Marwan Masri (E-mail)" <mmasri@energy.state.ca.us<, " Michael Alcantar (E-mail)" <mpa@aelaw.com<, " Mike Florio (E-mail)" <mflorio@turn.org<, " 'Mike Kahl'" <mikahl@ka-pow.com<, " Mona Petrochko (E-mail)" <mpetroch@enron.com<, " Pete Conaty (E-mail)" <pcaceo@pacbell.net<, " Peter Bray (E-mail)" <pbray@newpower.com<, " 'Phil Nails'" <phil.nails@asm.ca.gov<, " Phil Stohr (E-mail)" <pstohr@dbsr.com<, " Ralph Cavanagh (E-mail)" <rcavanagh@nrdc.org<, " Randy Chinn (E-mail)" <randy.chinn@sen.ca.gov<, " Ray Thompson (E-mail)" <ray.thompson@sen.ca.gov<, " Richard Costigan (E-mail)" <Richard.Costigan@asm.ca.gov<, " Richard Mersereau (E-mail)" <richard.mersereau@asm.ca.gov<, " 'Rick Counihan'" <Rick.counihan@greenmountain.com<, " Robert Berry (E-mail)" <berry@apx.com<, " Robin Larson (E-mail)" <rlarson@caiso.com<, " Scott Tomashefsky (E-mail)" <stomashe@energy.state.ca.us<, " Sheryl Carter (E-mail)" <scarter@nrdc.org<, " Steve Pike (E-mail)" <pikes@epenergy.com<, " Steve Ponder (E-mail)" <steve_ponder@fpl.com<, " Stu Wilson (E-mail)" <swilson@cmua.org<, " 'Sue Mara'" <smara@enron.com<, " Susan Reeder (E-mail)" <sreeder@sppc.com<, " Terry Winter (E-mail)" <twinter@caiso.com<, " Tim Schmelzer (E-mail)" <Tschmelz@energy.state.ca.us<, " 'Tommy Ross'" <rosst@sce.com<, " Tony Braun (E-mail)" <braun@cmua.org<, " Victoria Schaefer (E-mail)" <schaefvl@sce.com< Subject: FW: Commissioner Bilas Folks- Per our meeting yesterday I am forwarding the attached letter and information. Please contact Mike Day, Jeff Dasovich or Scott Governor if you have questions or would like to sign on to the letter. Thanks, Delaney ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ For those of you who are not aware, CPUC Commissioner Richard Bilas issued an Alternate Draft Order, which among other things, indicates that the CPUC shall stay any action on implementation of the suspension of direct access as mandated in ABX 1. We have attached a draft support letter to Commissioner Bilas for his Alternate Draft Order for use either by the coalition, or, individual members who wish to respond. I have received affirmative responses from the following organizations to sign on in support of CPUC Commissioner Bilas' Alternate Decision regarding direct access: California Retailers Association California Manufacturers Association Kaiser Timing is crucial. Please e-mail both Mike Day at MDay@GMSSR.com and myself if you would like to sign on to the letter.Scott Govenar - BILASALT7.DOC