Enron Mail

To:harry.kingerski@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com, jbennett@gmssr.com
Subject:Dow Jones Index information
Cc:neil.bresnan@enron.com, jubran.whalan@enron.com, marc.ulrich@enron.com
Bcc:neil.bresnan@enron.com, jubran.whalan@enron.com, marc.ulrich@enron.com
Date:Wed, 24 Jan 2001 03:10:00 -0800 (PST)

Additions from Jubran...

Proposed pricing mechanism:

Dow Jones Electricity Indexes, specifically their NP15/SP15 indexes.
- the indexes are based on weighted average prices and total volumes
- they measure "bilateral one-day prescheduled, financially firm transactions"
=< therefore the Dow Jones Index more accurately reflects market pricing
- Dow Jones has the right to randomly audit the data providers

why not the ex-post ISO?
- generators are not selling to California's ISO because of the $150/MWh
price cap,
=< therefore prices coming out of the ISO do not reflect real market prices
- there are purchases above the $150 soft cap, but the pricing of the out of
market transactions is explained to FERC only, this information is not in the
public domain
- if generators are not selling into the market, there is no liquidity,
therefore prices are not reflective of the prices that buyers must pay
- and generators may not be selling into the market due to the credit exposure

why not use the ex-post ISO price on an interim basis?
- because putting a false cap on the market price will result in price
increases to DA customers, contrary to AB1890, without due process
- Decision 99-06-058 set the foundation for the PX credit to reflect real
market prices, PG&E's proposal does not adhere to this.