Enron Mail

Subject:FW: CA PUC Moves to Implement Direct Access Prohibition in AB1X
Date:Thu, 22 Feb 2001 05:38:00 -0800 (PST)

Jeff, would you please add me to your distribution list as the Northwest
Regional Manager.

Thx, Rene'

-----Original Message-----
From: vanUlden, Dirk
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:30 AM
To: Lazure, Ren,
Subject: FW: CA PUC Moves to Implement Direct Access Prohibition in AB1X


Dirk A. van Ulden
Director, Account & Facility Management
Enron Energy Services, Northwest Region
(925) 543-3879
Fax (925) 543-3550

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@ENRON@EES On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 5:40 PM
To: Comnes,Alan; Schwarz,Angela; Aden,Beverly; Votaw,Bill; Barreda,Brenda;
Moffett,Carol; Corbin,Cathy; Foster,Chris; Liscano,Christina;
Calger,Christopher; Sutter,Craig; Leff,Dan; Whitehead,Debora;
Benevides,Dennis; Black,Don; Youngblood,Dorothy; Huth,Douglas; Sacks,Edward;
Melvin,Eric; Dupre,Erika; Hughes,Evan; Deltoro,Fran; Frank W
Vickers/HOU/ECT@ECT; Muench,Gayle; Dernehl,Ginger; Savage,Gordon;
Buchanan,Harold; Kingerski,Harry; Waser,Iris; Steffes,James; Lewis,James;
Wright, James; Messina,Jeff; Blachman,Jeremy; Hewitt,Jess; Hartsoe,Joe;
Denne,Karen; Bass,Kathy; Dodgen,Kathy; Gustafson,Ken; Hughes,Kevin;
Lopez,Leasa; Botello,Leticia; Muller,Mark; Suggs,Marsha; Sunde,Marty;
Eggleston,Meredith; Etringer,Michael; Mann,Michael; Cisneros,Michelle;
mpalmer@enron.com; Bresnan,Neil; Hong,Neil; Kaufman,Paul; Warren,Paula;
Zdunkewicz,Richard; Leibert,Richard; Shapiro,Richard; Hennessy,Rita;
Badeer,Robert; Yang,Roger; Tijerina,Rosalinda; McCubbin,Sandra;
Novosel,Sarah; Gahn,Scott; Stoness,Scott; Dick,Sharon; skean@enron.com;
Mara,Susan; Leslie,Tanya; Lair,Tasha; Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT; Greenlee,Terri;
Belden,Tim; Spruiell,Tony; Sharp,Vicki; Gorny,Vladimir; Curry,Wanda;
Bradford,William; Corbally,Kathryn; Whalan,Jubran; triley@enron.com;
Sanders,Richard; Williams,Robert; Wolfe,Greg; Wright, James; vanUlden, Dirk;
Walker,Steve; Rudolph,Jennifer; Wenzel,Martin; Condon,Douglas;
wgang@enron.com; Scott Govenar <sgovenar@govadv.com<; Hedy Govenar
<hgovenar@mail.acom2.com<@ENRON; jklauber@llgm.com
Subject: CA PUC Moves to Implement Direct Access Prohibition in AB1X

FYI. We should discuss on tomorrow's call.

----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 02/20/2001 07:34 PM -----

JMB <JBennett@GMSSR.com< 02/20/2001 07:15 PM To: "Bob Frank (E-mail)"
<robert.frank@enron.com<, "Harry Kingerski (Business Fax)"
<IMCEAFAX-Harry+20Kingerski+40+2B1+20+28713+29+20646-3409@GMSSR.com<, "Jeff
Dasovich (E-mail)" <jdasovic@enron.com<, "Sue Mara (E-mail)"
<smara@enron.com<, "Tamara Johnson (E-mail)" <tjohnso8@enron.com< cc:
Subject: FW: #3 in A.00-11-038 et al.

Attached is a draft order circulated late this afternoon. The intent of the
Commission is to vote on it at Thursday's meeting. The order implements the
provision in AB 1x to suspend direct access. We are given 24 hours to
comment. In addition note ordering paragraph six which gives parties 30
days to address how the Commission should implement the suspension of direct

If you want to lob comments in tomorrow, please call me first thing in the
morning. ( I must leave for hearings at the Commission at 8:40).

< <<CPUC01-#90588-v1-A0011038_et_al_DeUlloa_Agenda_Dec__.doc<<
Jeanne Bennett

- CPUC01-#90588-v1-A0011038_et_al_DeUlloa_Agenda_Dec__.doc