Enron Mail

To:waynearm@napanet.net, thomas.patton@doj.state.or.us, sandison@napanet.net,sriordan@hscis.net, sjohnson@morganlane.com, shawn.hopkins@amg-la.com, stpatton@mindspring.com, shopkins@hscis.net, philipjazz@aol.com, njmorgan@virtuallyfreeinternet.com, nel
Subject:Fw: kyoto protocol petition
Date:Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patricia Whitt" <pwhittds@napanet.net<
To: "Dotty Hopkins" <dottyhop@napanet.net<
Cc: "Elizabeth Kelly" <winner@olympus.net<
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: FW: kyoto protocol petition

< --
< ----------
< From: "etcbld" <etcbld@home.com<
< To: "Patricia Whitt" <pwhittds@napanet.net<
< Subject: Fw: kyoto protocol petition
< Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2001, 8:53 AM
< -----Original Message-----
< From: twardle@cisneros.com <twardle@cisneros.com<
< To: sunnyja@yahoo.com <sunnyja@yahoo.com<; dabuyer@pbwt.com
< <dabuyer@pbwt.com<; acasenov@CAF.com <acasenov@CAF.com<;
< scernafagan@phjw.com <scernafagan@phjw.com<; tlc1970@hotmail.com
< <tlc1970@hotmail.com<; alm46@cornell.edu <alm46@cornell.edu<;
< maaike_de_bie@hotmail.com <maaike_de_bie@hotmail.com<; etcbld@home.com
< <etcbld@home.com<; pablo.lopez@cantv.net <pablo.lopez@cantv.net<;
< medwardsiannone@whitecase.com <medwardsiannone@whitecase.com<;
< anik@espacioweb.com <anik@espacioweb.com<; lazarakou@zepos.com
< <lazarakou@zepos.com<; lopietri@ven.net <lopietri@ven.net<;
< Deirdre.McDonald@bmge.com <Deirdre.McDonald@bmge.com<; PMeisel@cgsh.com
< <PMeisel@cgsh.com<; magdaparra25@hotmail.com <magdaparra25@hotmail.com<;
< Debbyrambo@aol.com <Debbyrambo@aol.com<; abrobert@bechtel.com
< <abrobert@bechtel.com<; beatriz.roth@reuters.com
< lisa_samenfeld@kirkland.com <lisa_samenfeld@kirkland.com<; baldo@umich.edu
< <baldo@umich.edu<; kalpanas@peoplepc.com <kalpanas@peoplepc.com<;
< francisco_sucre@email.mobil.com <francisco_sucre@email.mobil.com<;
< BDALTONW@gateway.net <BDALTONW@gateway.net<
< Date: Monday, June 11, 2001 8:58 AM
< Subject: kyoto protocol petition
< <President Bush recently announced that the United
< <States Government will not honour its commitments
< <under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse
< <gases. The United States produce 25% of the world's
< <carbon dioxide, a gas that is believed to be the main
< <contributor to global warming.
< <
< <Rising global temperatures are known to raise sea
< <levels, and change precipitation and other
< <climate conditions. Changing climates alter forests,
< <crop yields, and water supplies. It could also
< <threaten human health, and harm birds, fish, and many
< <types of ecosystems. An increase in weather-related
< <disasters will occur, deserts may expand into existing
< <range lands, densely populated coastal areas will
< <flood and large numbers of people will have to move.
< <
< <Show you disagree with the Bush Administration's
< <decision to withdraw from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on
< <Global Warming. Urge President Bush to review his
< <policy in this matter and devise a comprehensive plan
< <to reduce US emissions of so-called greenhouse gases.
< <
< <Sign your name, town and country of residence at the
< <bottom of this e-mail, copy the entire text of this
< <e-mail (do NOT use the forward button), into a new
< <message and send it to as many people as possible.
< <
< <If you see 100 people have signed this message before
< <you, send this e-mail to the White House at
< <president@whitehouse.gov <mailto:president@whitehouse.gov<
< <<mailto:president@whitehoue.gov< to show Mr. Bush
< <the world is watching. Then start a fresh copy of this
< <message with your name as the first signer.
< <Thank you.
< <
< <
< <1-Tom Gehrels, Toronto, Canada
< <2-Ren? Pottkamp, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
< <3-Beppechien Bruins Slot, Haarlem, the Netherlands
< <4-Marloes Kraan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
< <5-Kim Knibbe, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
< <6-Jose Lima, Portugal
< <7-Rui Pereira, Lisboa, Portugal
< <8-Jo?o Alves, Lisboa, Portugal
< <9-Tiago J?natas,Lisboa,Portugal
< <10-Nuno Encarna??o, Lisboa, Portugal
< <11-Filipe Fernandes, Lisboa, Portugal
< <12-David Manuel Dias Neto, Lisboa, Portugal
< <13-Domingos Alfredo Alves Neto . Lisboa. Portugal
< <14-Ana Escoval - Lisboa - Portugal
< <15-?lvaro de Carvalho - Lisboa - Portugal
< <16-Anabela Paix?o - Lisboa , Portugal
< <17-?scar Ortet - Lisboa, Portugal
< <18-Ant?nio Jos? Reis Fernandes Pereira
< <19-Maria de F?tima Ferreira Pinto Fernandes Pereira
< <20-Jo?o Manuel Fazendeiro Matos - Gaia, Portugal
< <21-Celina Pires Rosa - Covilha, Portugal
< <22-Joel Rodrigues - Covilha, Portugal
< <23-Ana Maria Rebelo Barreto Xavier - Aveiro, Portugal
< <24-Ricardo Matos Abreu - Aveiro, Portugal
< <25-Luis Almeida - Aveiro, Portugal
< <26-Pedro U. Lima - Lisboa, Portugal
< <27-Victor Barroso - Lisboa, Portugal
< <28-Jos? Pimentel Teixeira - Maputo, Mo?ambique
< <29-An??nia Pedroso de Lima - Lisboa, portugal
< <30-Sara David Lopes - Lisboa, Portugal
< <31-Marta David Lopes - Amsterdam - Netherlands
< <32-Jos van Krimpen - Amsterdam - Netherlands
< <33-Fiona Herron - Haarlem - Netherlands
< <34- Ditte Hofmeester - Amsterdam- Netherlands
< <35- Michael van der Vlis - Amsterdam - Netherlands
< <36-Kasper Roszbach - Amsterdam - Netherlands
< <37-Stephan Sluijmers- Duiven- Netherlands
< <38-Farida Liem- Duiven- Netherlands
< <39-Mijndert Pon- Amsterdam- Netherlands
< <40-Margot Sedelaar-Amsterdam-Netherlands
< <41-Jan Wever-Utrecht-The Netherlands
< <42-Anneke Brouwer-Utrecht-The Netherlands
< <43-Marc van Wijngaarden - The Hague - The Netherlands
< <44-Bas Wilke - The Netherlands
< <45-Linda Wagenaar - Amersfoort - The Netherlands
< <46-Allard Argelo - Breda - The Netherlands
< <47-Joost d'Hondt - Breda - The Netherlands
< <48-Gwellyn Daandels - Olten - Switzerland
< <50-Sarah Sch?ni-Z?rich-Switzerland
< <51-Derek C. Carr - Folsom, California - U.S.A.
< <52-Brent A. Sullivan - Salisbury, Maryland - U.S.A.
< <53-Bruce Simmons - Elkton, Maryland -U.S.A.
< <54-Melissa Simmons - Seattle, Washington - U.S.A.
< <55-Molly Bell - Seattle, Washington - U.S.A.
< <56-Nancy McClellan - Indianola, Washington - U.S.A.
< <57-Lodi McClellan - Seattle, Washington - U.S.A.
< <58-Gerard Theoret - Seattle, Washington - U.S.A.
< <59-David Gillard - Vancouver, British Columbia - Canada
< <60-Elaine Harrison - Vancouver, British Columbia - Canada
< <61-Jane Saunders - Richmond, British Columbia - Canada
< <62-Mark Saunders - Richmond, British Columbia - Canada
< <63-Yvonne Saunders - West Vancouver, British Columbia -Canada
< <64-Gillis Samuelsson, Malm?, Sweden
< <65-Claus Holst, Copenhagen, Denmark
< <66-Thorkild IA Sorensen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
< <67-Signe R Sorensen, Copenhagen, Denmark
< <68-Irene Schmelling, Copenhagen, Denmark
< <69-Henrik Leslye, Copenhagen, Denmark
< <70- Alessandro Jacoponi, Copenhagen, Danmark
< <70- Stig Juelsen, Stavanger, Norway
< <72- Lars Heskj?r, Oslo, Norway
< <73- Rolf J?rgensen, Oslo, Norway
< <74- Helge Str?ms?, Oslo, Norway
< <75- Marit S. Samuelstuen, New York City, NY, US
< <76- Colleen O'Neal, New York, NY, US
< <77- Tami Wardle, Caracas, Venezuela
< 78 - Betty Lou Donnelley, Boise, Idaho, USA
< 79 - Dotty Hopkins, Napa, CA, USA
< 80 - Jack Hopkins, Napa, CA , USA
< <------------------------------------------------------------------------
< <This verifies that this e-mail has been scanned for virus and deemed
< <virus-free
< <Thu, 7 Jun 2001 12:21:23 +0200 GMT
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