Enron Mail

To:wfhall2@duke-energy.com, wscobee@caithnessenergy.com,twetzel@thermoecotek.com, hellertj@apci.com, mcmannes@aol.com, smara@enron.com, steve_ponder@fpl.com, siliff@riobravo-gm.com, stan.marks@nrgenergy.com, snoll@thermoecotek.com, roger.pelote@william
Subject:IEP Year 2001 Membership Dues
Cc:smutny@iepa.com, kaplan@iepa.com, chudson@iepa.com, steven@iepa.com,mycpa@danielrosscpa.com
Bcc:smutny@iepa.com, kaplan@iepa.com, chudson@iepa.com, steven@iepa.com,mycpa@danielrosscpa.com
Date:Thu, 28 Dec 2000 04:19:00 -0800 (PST)

To:??? ??? IEP Membership
From:??? Jan Smutny-Jones
RE:? Year 2001 Membership
This past year the energy business was characterized by turmoil, chaos, and
abundent activity.? The Year 2001 promises to be just as lively.??
IEP is proud of the?record of success we have achieved representing energy
producers and traders.?? This past year, we developed and implemented a
project to respond to inaccurate and all too often misleading reports in the
press and elsewhere regarding the Californnia marketplace.? On the
regulatory front, we?intervened at FERC on market structure issues, and FERC
has quoted our filings during their deliberations; we have defended the
sanctity of QF contracts and the AB1890 "deal" in the face of mounting
pressure; and we have pushed aggressively for continuing support for
existing renewables as well as implementing state programs that will incent
the timely introduction of new renewables.
The Year 2001 will be particularly important for our industry as the
California legisature addresses new energy legislation; the CPUC and FERC
move to solve QF/SRAC and market strucuture matters; and the CEC engages a
new OII on generation siting.??We hope that you all continue to support
these critical activities by renewing your membership and actively engaging
in the IEP deliberation of these matters.? At this point in time, the IEP
Board has not determined that an increase in dues for the upcoming year is
necessary; therefore, you will be receiving an invoice in the very near
future for Year 2001 dues which will be at the same level as last year.?
Please respond promptly to this invoice, as the funding will enable IEP to
make a smooth transition to the new year.?
If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to change your membership
level, please contact IEP as soon as possible.? Thank you for your prompt
attention to this matter.?