Enron Mail

To:mikahl@ka-pow.com, brbarkovich@earthlink.net, vjw@cleanpower.org,cohnap@sce.com, fieldejr@sce.com, schoongl@sce.com, jdasovic@enron.com, kmccrea@sablaw.com
Subject:RE: URGENT! Technical Working Group
Date:Fri, 6 Jul 2001 09:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here is the plan -- we will be meeting in MY OFFICE (not Kahl's) on Sunday @
3:00pm. My office is at 980 Ninth Street, Suite 1560. Just tell the security
guard where you are going and they will let you in. I need to have the
language you all were assigned emailed out to the Group above by NOON on
Sunday so that we can all review it before the 3:00 meeting.
I have set up a call in number for those of you who can't be here in person.

The call in # is 888-727-8686 - code 3489598

Below are the assignments

Direct Access -- Jeff
Large Customer Utility Service options -- Dorothy
Rate Relief -- Barbara
Balancing Account (option under rate relief) -- Fielder/Ann
Customer Specific Generation -- Mike
Renewable Energy -- V. John

If anyone needs anything at all please feel free to give me a call.
Office 446-5508
Cell 284-5509
Home 530-666-0946
