Enron Mail

To:ebe4476b-2d94882a-86256a14-75ff3b@enron.com, steve.walton@enron.com,susan.mara@enron.com, leslie.lawner@enron.com, rebecca.cantrell@enron.com, donna.fulton@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com, christi.nicolay@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, jalex
Subject:RE: Western Wholesale Activities - Gas & Power Conf. Call
Date:Wed, 25 Jul 2001 09:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attorney Work Product Privileges Asserted
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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X-From: Alan Comnes
X-To: "Alvarez, Ray" <IMCEAEX-_O=ENRON_OU=NA_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=NOTESADDR_CN=EBE4476B-2D94882A-86256A14-75FF3B@ENRON.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, Steve Walton, Susan J Mara, Leslie Lawner, Rebecca W Cantrell, Donna Fulton, Jeff Dasovich, Christi L Nicolay, James D Steffes, jalexander@gibbs-bruns.com@SMTP@enronXgate, Phillip K Allen, Linda J Noske, Dave Perrino, Don Black, Robert Frank, Stephanie Miller, Barry Tycholiz, Sarah Novosel, Jennifer Thome, Steve C Hall, Tim Belden, Stanley Cocke
X-Folder: \Jeff_Dasovich_Oct2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox
X-FileName: jdasovic.nsf

Attached are:

1. Draft comments to CAISO re: CAISO's Draft Proposal to give temporary
waivers to long startup time units. Comments are due to CAISO this Friday.
2. CAISO's draft waiver proposal (for reference)
3. Outline of comments to FERC re: CAISO's implemtation filing of July 10.
Hopefully these comments will be filed with a group of marketers and is due
August 9
4. CAISO's July 10 filing (for reference)

-----Original Message-----
From: Alvarez, Ray
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:43 PM
To: Walton, Steve; Mara, Susan; Comnes, Alan; Lawner, Leslie; Cantrell,
Rebecca W.; Fulton, Donna; Dasovich, Jeff; Nicolay, Christi; Steffes, James
D.; jalexander@gibbs-bruns.com; Allen, Phillip K.; Noske, Linda J.; Perrino,
Dave; Black, Don; Frank, Robert; Miller, Stephanie; Tycholiz, Barry; Novosel,
Sarah; Thome, Jennifer
Subject: Re: Western Wholesale Activities - Gas & Power Conf. Call Privileged
& Confidential Communication Attorney-Client Communication and Attorney Work
Product Privileges Asserted

Date: Every Thursday
Time: 7:30 am Pacific, 9:30 am Central, and 10:30 am Eastern time
Number: 1-888-271-0949
Host Code: 661877 (for Ray only)
Participant Code: 936022 (for everyone else)

The table of the on-going FERC issues and proceedings is available to all
team members on the O drive. Please feel free to revise/add to/ update this
table as appropriate.

Proposed agenda for tomorrow:

Refund order discussed at today's Commission meeting; CA refund issues; PacNW
refund issues
NOPR on information and filing requirements discussed at today's Commission
Answer to motions of CA parties
ISO tariff filing response
Upcoming meeting in Portland

Please feel free to communicate any additional agenda items to the group.