Enron Mail

To:eke@aelaw.com, kmccrea@sablaw.com, jdasovic@enron.com, wbooth@booth-law.com,cohnap@sce.com, smutny@iepa.com, dhunter@smithandkempton.com, cmcintyre@sempra.com, fieldejr@sce.com, braun@cmua.org, jeflory@calpx.com, brbarkovich@earthlink.net, dominic.d
Subject:Re:Additional Efforts
Date:Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:32:00 -0800 (PST)

My proposal is simply that somewhere in the rate stabilization proposal the
following clarification should be added:

"The rate stabilization proposal applies only to the generation portion of
electric rates, and is not intended to alter or affect the PUC's authority to
determine the revenue requirement and rate structure for electricity
distribution and transmission functions subject to its ratemaking

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: Additional Efforts
Author: Evelyn Kahl Elsesser <eke@aelaw.com<
Date: 12/18/2000 4:55 PM

As discussed in today's call:

(1) We will have a conference call on Friday from 12:00 -3:00. Delaney
will have provide a call-in number.

(2) Ann & Barbara will provide language on 1(d).

(3) Ann/John will outline language for three term-differentiated
portfolios (1, 3 & 5 year commitments) to which utility assets would be
fairly allocated.

(4) Barbara/Bill will revise the language on come/go rules in 2(d)(4).

(5) Ralph will provide language clarifying 3(b)(2) on rate stabilization

If I receive these provisions by Thursday morning, I'll circulate a
revised draft on Thursday afternoon to advance the discussions on

Again, many thanks.

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Mon, 18 Dec 2000 16:53:10 -0800 (PST)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 16:55:09 -0800
From: Evelyn Kahl Elsesser <eke@aelaw.com<
Subject: Additional Efforts
To: Keith McCrea <kmccrea@sablaw.com<,
"Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <jdasovic@enron.com<,
Ralph Cavanagh <RCavanagh@nrdc.org<, Bill Booth <wbooth@booth-law.com<,
Ann Cohn <cohnap@sce.com<, Jan Smutny-Jones <smutny@iepa.com<,
Delaney Hunter <dhunter@smithandkempton.com<,
"Carolyn McIntyre (E-mail)" <cmcintyre@sempra.com<,
"John Fielder (E-mail)" <fieldejr@sce.com<,
"Tony Braun (E-mail)" <braun@cmua.org<,
"jeflory@calpx.com" <jeflory@calpx.com<,
Barbara Barkovich <brbarkovich@earthlink.net<,
Dominic DiMare <dominic.dimare@calchamber.com<, Dan Richard <ddr0@pge.com<
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