Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Direct Access
Cc:harry.kingerski@enron.com, james.d.steffes@enron.com, jdasovic@enron.com,mday@gmssr.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, sandra.mccubbin@enron.com, smara@enron.com, vicki.sharp@enron.com, james.keller@enron.com, scott.stoness@enron.com,
Bcc:harry.kingerski@enron.com, james.d.steffes@enron.com, jdasovic@enron.com,mday@gmssr.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, sandra.mccubbin@enron.com, smara@enron.com, vicki.sharp@enron.com, james.keller@enron.com, scott.stoness@enron.com,
Date:Fri, 2 Feb 2001 04:39:00 -0800 (PST)

Harry raises some good points.

I am attaching another copy of my comments from this morning--It looks like
this draft came out before you got these comments.

I will be traveling without access to my e-mail from 11-4 PST. Please call
on my cell phone 713 302 9089 if you have questions. MDS

From: Harry Kingerski@ENRON on 02/02/2001 12:31 PM
To: Scott Govenar <sgovenar@govadv.com<
cc: "Harry.Kingerski@enron.com" <Harry.Kingerski@enron.com<, Jim Steffes
<james.d.steffes@enron.com<, Jeff Dasovich <jdasovic@enron.com<, Mike Day
<MDay@GMSSR.com<, Mike D Smith <msmith1@enron.com<, Paul Kaufman
<paul.kaufman@enron.com<, Rick Shapiro <rshapiro@enron.com<, Sandra McCubbin
<Sandra.McCubbin@enron.com<, Susan J Mara <smara@enron.com<
Subject: Re: Direct Access

Initial comments for discussion:

Fees (exit, entry): should be transparent - in absolute terms and formula
that will be used. Can notional numbers be posted daily?

One-way tolling: eliminate re-entry fees. Puts new and returning customers
on equal footing and eliminates additional admin burdens.

DWR stranded costs for exit fee: should be an affirmative obligation on
their part to mitigate any incremental costs (reselling, etc.)

KW threshold: we're ok with 100 kw (or lower).

Limit on switching: once a year is reasonable.

Areas to clarify:
DWR carve-out: if load departs (re-enters) DWR, does it simultaneously
depart (re-enter) the utility? Assuming a clean break from bundled service,
is there an exit fee from the utility portion of the bundle?

Closure: need to specify when exit/re-entry fees no longer apply.

Open Subscription Period: if DWR does only 5+ year contracts, does this mean
there will be no open periods for a long time?

Scott Govenar <sgovenar@govadv.com<
02/02/2001 07:58 AM

To: Jim Steffes <james.d.steffes@enron.com<, Rick Shapiro
<rshapiro@enron.com<, Jeff Dasovich <jdasovic@enron.com<, Sandra McCubbin
<Sandra.McCubbin@enron.com<, "Harry.Kingerski@enron.com"
<Harry.Kingerski@enron.com<, Susan J Mara <smara@enron.com<, Paul Kaufman
<paul.kaufman@enron.com<, Mike D Smith <msmith1@enron.com<
cc: Mike Day <MDay@GMSSR.com<
Subject: Direct Access

Attached, please find the latest direct access legislative proposal for
your review and comment. This incorporates the amendments referenced in
Mike Day's e-mail yesterday. We need comments by 11:00 a.m. if possible
as the final draft language must be delivered to Senator Bowen today.

- subscription.protocols revised