Enron Mail

To:mwilk@lecg.com, teece@haas.berkeley.edu
Cc:tyson@haas.berkeley.edu, tom_campbell@law.stanford.edu,shmuel@euler.me.berkeley.edu, willrichm@aol.com, george_barker@lecg.com, cdanner@wilkandassociates.com, gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu, scott_harvey@lecg.com, jscadding@wilkandassociates.com, spiller
Bcc:tyson@haas.berkeley.edu, tom_campbell@law.stanford.edu,shmuel@euler.me.berkeley.edu, willrichm@aol.com, george_barker@lecg.com, cdanner@wilkandassociates.com, gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu, scott_harvey@lecg.com, jscadding@wilkandassociates.com, spiller
Date:Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:05:00 -0800 (PST)

David and Pablo
I realize it is too late for changes and I support the Manifesto as is.
However, for the record I like to point out that the list of stakeholders
that must come to new arrangements (bottom of page 5) should have included
the utilititie's holding companies that siphoned the CTC funds out of the
state to purchase generation assets in other parts of the country. Given
that the stranded costs are way below what was predicted they should share
some of the pain by refunding at least a portion of the CTC collection.

----- Original Message -----
From: <MWilk@lecg.com<
To: "David Teece" <teece@Haas.Berkeley.EDU<
Cc: <tyson@Haas.Berkeley.EDU<; <tom_campbell@law.stanford.edu<;
<shmuel@euler.me.berkeley.edu<; <willrichm@aol.com<;
<george_barker@lecg.com<; <cdanner@wilkandassociates.com<;
<gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu<; <scott_harvey@lecg.com<;
<jscadding@wilkandassociates.com<; <spiller@Haas.Berkeley.EDU<;
<mwilk@wilkandassociates.com<; <phillip_mcleod@lecg.com<;
<berk@Haas.Berkeley.EDU<; <john_chandley@lecg.com<; <jdasovic@enron.com<;
<lfried@uclink.berkeley.edu<; <william_hogan@harvard.edu<;
<rmichaels@fullerton.edu<; <borenste@Haas.Berkeley.EDU<;
<richard.rumelt@anderson.ucla.edu<; <rschmidt@lecg.com<;
<pverleger@compuserve.com<; <pjoskow@mit.edu<; <jim.sweeney@stanford.edu<;
<joseph.mullinix@ucop.edu<; <steven@stoft.com<
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 3:30 PM

< David & Pablo:
< Substantively, the final version looks fine to us. I happened to notice a
< couple of typos/grammatical items:
< 1. Creditworthiness is typically seen as one word. Corrections
< be be needed as follows: page 3, in both the 4th and 5th paragraphs, and
< on page 5 in the second paragraph.
< 2. Also on page 5, I think the second sentence of the first
< would read better as follows: "Unfortunately, the utilties have already
< divested many of their generation plants...."
< 3. Finally, on page 6, last sentence of the 4th full paragraph, the
< word should be especailly not specially.
< Thanks again for a terrific job of pulling all this together.
< Mitch Wilk