Enron Mail

To:john_chandley@lecg.com, teece@haas.berkeley.edu
Cc:tyson@haas.berkeley.edu, tom_campbell@law.stanford.edu,shmuel@euler.berkeley.edu, willrichm@aol.com, george_barker@lecg.com, cdanner@wilkandassociates.com, gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu, yellen@haas.berkeley.edu, scott_harvey@lecg.com, jscadding@wilkand
Bcc:tyson@haas.berkeley.edu, tom_campbell@law.stanford.edu,shmuel@euler.berkeley.edu, willrichm@aol.com, george_barker@lecg.com, cdanner@wilkandassociates.com, gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu, yellen@haas.berkeley.edu, scott_harvey@lecg.com, jscadding@wilkand
Date:Fri, 26 Jan 2001 01:19:00 -0800 (PST)


we are less than 2 hrs short of the press conference. i just got to the
computer and saw all these e-mails. i will suggest we take our local nobel
prize winner's suggestion and go, for the time being, as is. we simply do
not have the time to incorporate changes without violating the need for
consensus. We will release the manifesto at 11am PST, at the press
conference that is going to take place here at haas. Those of you from the
east coast, feel free to release it at any time. Those in the west coast,
i would suggest that we do not release it until 11am, but feel free to talk
to whoever you want about it.

The version of the manifesto that is going to be released is the version
that we sent yesterday afternoon incorporating the excellent comments by
paul. also is the version that includes the list of endorsees as of the time.

if you haven't received the copy, please let me know.



At 11:54 AM 1/26/01 -0500, John_Chandley@LECG.com wrote:
<1. Is the document out? Or are we still making changes?
<2. Is the "embargo" over?
<3. When can we get the final, final, final for further distribution?
<David Teece <teece@Haas.Berkeley.EDU< on 01/25/2001 05:54:00 PM
<To: tyson@haas.berkeley.edu, tom_campbell@law.stanford.edu,
< shmuel@euler.berkeley.edu, willrichm@aol.com, george_barker@lecg.com,
< cdanner@wilkandassociates.com, gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu,
< yellen@haas.berkeley.edu, scott_harvey@lecg.com,
< jscadding@wilkandassociates.com, spiller@haas.berkeley.edu,
< mwilk@wilkandassociates.com, phillip_mcleod@lecg.com,
< berk@haas.berkeley.edu, john_chandley@lecg.com, jdasovic@enron.com,
< lfried@uclink.berkeley.edu, william_hogan@harvard.edu,
< rmichaels@fullerton.edu, borenste@haas.berkeley.edu,
< richard.rumelt@anderson.ucla.edu, rschmidt@lecg.com,
< pverleger@compuserve.com, pjoskow@mit.edu, jim.sweeney@stanford.edu,
< joseph.mullinix@ucop.edu, mcfadden@econ.berkeley.edu,
< steven@stoft.com, jim.sweeney@stanford.edu
<cc: peter.gosselin@latimes.com
<Dear Colleagues,
<Here is the FINAL version of the manifesto. This version includes some
<additions and deletions to bring on Paul Joskow and Janet Yellen, and
<hopefully Severin Borenstein as well. Also attached is a list of
<endorsements Pablo and I have secured. If you are not on the list and wish
<to be added, please let us know.
<Critically, let us know if you wish to be removed. We are picking up new
<endorse by the hour and will release by 9:00 am (PST) tomorrow.
<David Teece and Pablo Spiller
<(See attached file: Manifesto DJT 1-25-01.doc)
<(See attached file: endorsee list 12501.doc)
<David J. Teece, Director
<Institute of Management, Innovation and Organization
<F402 Haas School of Business #1930
<University of California, Berkeley
<Berkeley, CA 94720-1930
<Phone: (510) 642-1075
<Fax: (510) 642-2826