Enron Mail

Subject:WPTF Friday What is Electricity Burrito
Date:Thu, 22 Feb 2001 16:37:00 -0800 (PST)


How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hand...=20

Last week I was in a rare mood.? Before I wrote last week's Burrito, I spen=
the better part of Thursday afternoon with my wife sipping wine in Napa=20
Valley.? Considering the volume of e-mail in response to last week's editio=
I should do more drinking, and less worrying.? But I do worry.? For example=
my wife wants to buy a new car, and this makes me think about one of my=20
favorite lines, "Get a new car for your spouse - it'll be a great trade!"?=
But I haven't told her that because she has a fairly decent left jab;=20
typically to my head. I drive a 1993 Ford Taurus that has 50k miles.? It=20
looks like hell, and gets me to where I want to go.? My wife wants a new=20
Jaguar, top of the line, faster than a bullet.? I was telling this story to=
our WPTF counsel, Dan Douglass, who asked, "I don't get it.? You are drivin=
a beat up old Ford, and your wife is getting a new Jaguar?? How does that=
work?"? It's not too hard to explain.? You see, my wife works in Palo Alto,=
about 5 miles from our house, whereas I operate the world headquarters of=
this pirate trade association from my "home" office.? Each work morning, we=
like to arrive at our respective offices at the same time =01( in about 3.5=
seconds.? Now if that makes sense to you, then maybe you can explain how an=
why the State of California thinks it can grow 1000 MWs of peaker generatio=
from seed to flower in five months.=20

None of the above has much to do with the electricity crisis, but it is a f=
more enjoyable conversation.? In fact, this week needs a good slug of humor=
Therefore, I have expanded the Odds & Ends (_!_) section to include more=20
stories and jokes.? We deserve it.=20

I get about six calls a day from newspaper reporters, and they always ask m=
at the outset a tough question, "How are you?"? I'm never sure.? All the=20
other questions are easy, but the How-Are-You question usually trips me up.=
One of our members called me and asked if I had heard about Steve Peace's=
quote placing the Texas State Flag on top of the California State Capital??=
had, but I discouraged the caller from sending Peace a Texas Flag as a=20
prank.? I suggested, instead, sending the Senator a pair of boxer briefs wi=
the emblem of Texas as the pattern.? We could put a note in the box, "Don't=
put your ass in Texas."? Does anyone have a connection on where we can get=
the goods?=20

Our Governor and his staff are actively negotiating the purchase of the=20
transmission systems from the state's three utilities.? Today the LA Times=
reported that PG&E is being obdurate, whereas SCE and SDG&E are being helpf=
in the negotiations.? Why does this sound familiar to me?? Most people say=
the negotiations are stalled.? The Governor says he will announce a deal=20
today, this Friday.? The Governor and the rest of the world never seem to b=
on the same page.=20

In the meantime, I am learning all about pre-petition credit committees, an=
how they operate.? My hopes are modest for a clean solution to the financia=
woes of the California market.? On the other hand, consider all the new=20
things I am learning.? For example, the difference between a secured and=20
unsecured creditor has become quite clear.? If you hold a mortgage bond, th=
you are a secured creditor.? If you are an electric generator or marketer w=
sold to the ISO or to the PX, then you are unsecured.? If you have a pictur=
of a utility executive (think male) coming out of a motel room with women=
other than his spouse, then you are a secured creditor.? If you are a=20
consumer, taxpayer, and a voter, then you are screwed. As one financial=20
advisor told me, there are only two sources of revenue to make up the=20
shortage of money: rate increases and the sale of assets.? Then the advisor=
said, think of the money from those funding sources like water at the top o=
Yosemite Falls.? As the money cascades down like falling water, secured=20
creditors are near the top and get very wet.? Unsecured creditors are near=
the bottom, and might only get some mist in their face. It all depends how=
much water is running over the precipice.=20

If the state doesn't offer "enough" money for the assets, then I expect the=
unsecured creditors will be like Yosemite tourists at the bottom of the Fal=
after a dry summer.? The mist spray will be a figment of one's imagination.=
If the state condemns the transmission assets, then there will be a long an=
protracted court settlement regarding the fair market value of the assets.?=
Not a good outcome if you were expecting to get paid soon. Alternatively, i=
the state said to all the generators, "How about 50? on the dollar for each=
dollar we owe you?", I doubt there would be many takers.=20

The secured creditors, by the way, are going to be patient, so it seems.? T=
bond underwriters place billions of dollars of bond issues, and they are no=
too excited about upsetting the State of California.? Could get in the way =
future business because the state does issue quite a lot of bonds, and the=
underwriting fees are good.? So, I don't expect the bond-holders to pull th=
trigger anytime soon.=20

If you thought I was drawing a conclusion based on the discussion above, th=
think again. A conclusion is the place where you rest because you got tired=
of thinking.=20

Here is this week's menu.=20

Things in the People's Republic of California=20
?@@@ LA Times Poll Shows We Have Met the Enemy, and It Is Us=20
?@@@ APX Opens Discussions on a New Transmission Market=20
?@@@ Some Nasty Legislation=20

Responses to Last Week's Burrito=20

Jobs and People=20

Odds & Ends (_!_)=20

Things in the People's Republic of California=20
?@@@ LA Times Poll Shows We Have Met the Enemy, and It Is Us=20

Last Sunday, the LA Times published the results of a poll they conducted on=
579 Californians, all over the state.? I encourage you to read the survey.?=
It's available at http://www.latimes.com/news/state/20010218/t000014901.htm=
.? The bottom line is that Californians are mixed up about the electricity=
crisis in ways that I could have not predicted.=20

For example, the Governor gets the highest marks relative to all other=20
players.? His approval rating has gone up from January (29% approval rating=
to 49% in February!? However, the 16% approval rating of the PUC is the=20
lowest among the Gov., the legislature, the utilities, and even President=
Bush. The PUC is a tool of the Governor, but apparently that is a secret on=
known to the several thousands of us in the regulated power business (There=
there Ms. Lynch.? They really love you, but they just don't understand you.=
No telling where merchant generators and power marketers might have placed=
had our names been on the list, although I am sure it would be at the low e=
of the curve.=20

More than half of those surveyed do not believe there is an actual shortage=
of electricity in California!!!!? The response to that issue was the same=
last month, and has changed very little.? Can someone explain this attitude=
to me?? I don't get it.? What do you have to do to convince Californians th=
we are short on capacity? Thirty days in a row of Stage 3 alerts doesn't do=
it.? I do not believe that anyone reading the LA Times, say, on a regular=
basis for the last month would conclude that there is no electricity=20
shortage.? That means few people are reading newspapers for their=20
information.? The rest of the folks get their information from TV, word of=
mouth, comic books or =01(.? Stunning result.=20

Oddly enough, the public doesn't think too highly of long-term power=20
contracts, very little about nuclear power, but they do favor, by a margin =
three out of four, more thermal power plants. They would be willing to see=
such facilities built and operating in their own communities.=20

In summary, the Gov. is up, the Legislature down, the shortage is=20
non-existent, we need more power plants, there is a bailout of the utilitie=
but that is okay, and people are conserving more than ever.? Is it any=20
wonder, then, that the legislation we see emanating from the State Capital =
so mixed up.? We are mixed up. What are you going to do about us?=20

Things in the People's Republic of California=20
?@@@ APX Opens Discussions on a New Transmission Market=20

Automated Power Exchange (APX), now under the helm of new CEO John Yurkanin=
held a one-day seminar on the development of a new market to replace the no=
defunct PX adjustment bid market.? Adjustment bids, for those of you that d=
not trade or schedule in California, are economic signals to the ISO about=
one's willingness to adjust your schedule to satisfy transmission constrain=
at various transmission bottlenecks on the ISO's grid. APX has provided us=
with a thoughtful instrument for managing transmission congestion.? I=20
attended the meeting, and my take away was that APX is proposing an energy=
market that allows different parties to be matched for the purpose of=20
adjusting energy deliveries on either side of a transmission constraint.? I=
looks very much like the InterSC Adjustment Bid market that market=20
participants so desperately wanted but never received from the ISO.? The=20
beauty, here, however, is that all the InterSC adjustment bids fall under o=
portfolio, APX's, that allows the ISO to maintain the market separation=20

Another benefit provided by APX's new market is the scheduling of RMR units=
John Stremel of APX told us that the CAISO can contribute to the APX market=
if there is a feature to instruct the RMR units.? The ISO could place their=
orders through the APX market if the RMR units are willing to submit=20
adjustment bids in the same.? So doing would give much needed, and now lost=
price transparency.=20

Nothing is free, except grief and heartache, and we all have enough of that=
APX needs funders to get their market off the ground.? I have heard several=
people grumble about the sales pitch, but let's face it.? We have been=20
complaining for years that the PX was forced on us, the ISO's CONG model wa=
forced on us, and the RMR dispatch was forced on us.? Now that for the firs=
time we have an opportunity to exercise choice, I find it ironic that peopl=
are fumbling over the dollars.? The way the ISO is currently handling=20
congestion management, with no or few adjustment bids, wreaks havoc on the=
energy markets.? APX is at least giving us a chance to fix that, and do mor=

If you support the APX market in concept, then call John Stremel and tell h=
408.517.2120, <jstremel@apx.com<.? If money is a problem, then call him and=
tell him that too.? Let's get creative and demonstrate to those who doubt o=
ability to pull ourselves up by the bootstrap that we are able and willing =
do so.=20

Things in the People's Republic of California=20
?@@@ Some Nasty Legislation=20

On the heels of the major pieces of legislation enacted in the last few=20
weeks, we have the "me too" bills that are absolutely nauseating. Here are=
short summaries of two legislative turds that simply demonstrate what can=
occur when you have too many law makers taking on too few crises.=20

SB 39x (Speier - D) - This bill would make facilities that have been deemed=
exempt wholesale generators by FERC become public utilities subject to CPUC=
jurisdiction. It would authorize the CPUC to ensure that generators located=
in California are operated in a manner that assures their availability to=
maintain reliability.? It would allow the CPUC to issue orders and directiv=
as it deems necessary to accomplish this.? It would authorize the CPUC to=
prevent the exercise of market power by prohibiting economic or physical=20
withholding.? The bill would also authorize the CPUC to prescribe inspectio=
maintenance, and operating practices and procedures for any generator to=20
ensure the public health and safety , reliability and adequacy of the syste=

AB 60x - Herztberg - D) - This bill would require as a condition of receivi=
a CEC certification (for new or re-power) the applicant to offer to sell to=
California IOU's, Municipal utilities, or DWR, at just and reasonable cost=
based price, electrical power generated from the facility.? It would also=
prohibit the operation of the facility until a maintenance and outage=20
schedule has been approved by the CEC.? A violation of this would be a=20
criminal act.=20

Responses to Last Week's Burrito=20

Always helpful and friendly, Ms. Sheryl Lambertson from PPL Montana (Butte)=
wrote to me about my idea to send California's teen population to Montana.?=
She said, "I personally invite your son to spend the summer with me.?=20
However, 6 million teenagers in a state with a population of less than a=20
million!!!!!? I think we could potentially have power shortages though I'm=
sure Montana would do a great job of managing them.? I think we can take on=
more teenager but we'll leave it at that."=20

Phil Muller of SCD Solutions offered the following in response to Dr. Davis=
Cure for What Ails Us, "Now that our distinguished governor has finally=20
announced his plan to save the utilities by taking over their transmission=
systems in exchange for paying some of their operating expenses, I can see=
the long term plan.? First, continue to stall resolution of the credit=20
situation while generators continue to sell to the ISO with no immediate=20
prospect of getting paid.? Second, cap QF payments at the "just and=20
reasonable" price of $67/MWh.? Third, offer to "bail out" all the generator=
by having the state pay a portion of what they're owed in exchange for=20
turning their power plants over to the state.? It looks like Gray learned=
business from John D Rockefeller.? Force your competitors' prices below cos=
until they're forced to sell out to you.? Once you own everything you can s=
your own just and reasonable prices depending on whether you're running for=
election or not.? This shouldn't be a problem since the state is not subjec=
to anti-trust laws."=20

Long-time friend Bill Metcalfe in Salt Lake City offered the following=20
response to the WPTF seven-point solution.? He wrote, "Price is always a=20
factor for the individual consumer and some commercial establishments who c=
exercise discretionary conservation but may only discourage/encourage=20
industrial expansion.? Price must reflect the pure mechanics of supply and=
demand.? Therefore, the health of the California economy is closely linked =
the ability to build capacity that will yield a price reflective of our=20
desires for industrial competitiveness and growth.=20

"The more we move to State control and the Governor's plan, the more=20
difficult this all becomes and the costs - well....=20

"The Dedicated Rate Component (DRC) should provide the necessary incentive=
for consumer conservation.? Industry may just close up shop when seeing thi=
and considering the future.=20

"As you said, "(this) is like a hungry monster that chews up politicians an=
spits them out after sucking the political marrow from their bones."? Watch=
out for quick and seemingly painless fixes - the damage of the past ills do=

Finally, I received a very thoughtful note from Nancy Day, my personal=20
advisor (although she doesn't know that, but I listen very closely to=20
everything she tells me).? You should, too.? Here is what she wrote:=20

"I want to offer my thoughts on the Governor's plan and make a few=20
suggestions.? When Mike Peevey [Note: Peevey was Nancy's former business=20
partner in the firm New Energy Ventures] was named 'advisor', I sent him th=
following words of encouragement:? 'do no harm.'? Now I ask you, will the=
Governor's plan 'do no harm?'? If the answer is yes, work with your members=
and the utilities to fix the gigantic holes in the cost recovery portion of=
the plan.? Although I agree with you that the simplest way to fix what ails=
us is to allow the utilities to recover their electricity purchase costs --=
evidently that approach carries with it too much political baggage.? So, ho=
can we make the Governor's plan work?? Be prepared with talking points that=
all of your members can use in their discussions with the press, with other=
'lobbyists' and with the leadership in the legislature (Burton, Hertzberg, =

"Here are my suggestions on points you may want to cover:=20

1) How much does the State really believe the utilities are owed for past=
electricity purchases -- is the number $12 billion?? If so, what amortizati=
period is being assumed in the calculation of the rate increase?? How much =
a rate increase will be required just to cover that past debt?? Is there=20
enough "headroom" in the utilities' rates to cover the ongoing cost of=20
electricity (both the utilities own generation and the DWR purchases that=
have to be passed on to consumers)?=20

2) Since existing rates are predicated on the authorized return on the=20
underlying book value (is this number $1 billion?)? of the Transmission=20
assets, will the rates have to increase to cover the State's capital costs =
am assuming that the State will have to pay "market value" for the purchase=
of Transmission -- plus invest another $1 billion to eliminate congestion a=
add transmission where it is needed) and the new administrative bureaucracy=
to oversee their new assets.? Even with the State's lower cost of capital,=
won't rates have to go up to pay off the bonds and pay salaries to the new=
bureaucrats?? I am also assuming that the Democrats will not eliminate the=
existing Union employee infrastructure of the utilities who will maintain t=
system under contract to the State and will therefore not save any money on=

3) The State believes that purchase of the Transmission grid will remove FE=
"interference" and they can leverage their asset ownership to bring=20
generators to their knees.?? Is this a valid assumption?? Won't the State=
have to comply with FERCs Order 888 requiring open=20
access/non-discrimination??? I assume the only relief from FERC oversight=
will come in the form of no rate cases?? Who will oversee the economics of=
the new Bureaucracy -- the CPUC -- not a chance?? The EOB?? The ISO?? The n=
CUBA??? Will this new bureaucracy look and feel just like the ISO whose=20
ongoing costs of operation continue to spiral skyward???

4) Are there some potential benefits to State ownership of the Transmission=
grid?? Will the State be capable of acting more quickly than the utilities=
that would be forced to litigate potential transmission expansion before on=
or more regulatory bodies before any project can go forward?? Is the State =
a better position to work with Transmission builders in Canada and Mexico t=
coordinate the expansion of systems there?? Or, like Cal Trans, is the Stat=
likely to be just as crippled as the utilities because they have their own=
set of bureaucratic handcuffs that keep progress stifled and slowed?=20

5) If we are going to buy into the Governor's plan -- should we hold out fo=
reforms that will be needed to create viable retail competition?? I am told=
that the reason the "no more direct access" provision was added to AB 1X, w=
at the insistence of the Department of Finance.? Finance was afraid that DW=
would contract to buy firm energy for Californian's and they would abandon=
the State in favor of a retail competitor.? One way to resolve this problem=
is to require very large customers (could we define the criteria) to stay=
with their retail competitor for a least 12 months so that DWR will have=20
ample opportunity to adjust their purchases to track the changes.? Without=
viable retail competition the utilities must continue to suffer under=20
hindsight reasonableness reviews.? I believe, if customers (all customers=
including residential) had viable retail alternatives, we could let the=20
utilities buy whatever they wanted and pass those costs through to their=20
customers with no regulatory oversight (no profit on generation sales).? If=
the utilities retail generation costs get out of line with competitors'=20
offers, the customers will have the unfettered ability to switch.=20

"Gary, the only way we will be able to survive this next legislative=20
onslaught will be to fix what is wrong.? It will be impossible to derail th=

Jobs and People=20

I guess one of the low points this week was the letter a number of us=20
received from Green Mountain's Julie Blunden.? In her letter she says, "Mos=
of you aware of the profound changes that have occurred in California's=20
electricity markets and political stage over the past nine months. Those=20
changes have touched our customers, our partners and our team. I am writing=
to tell you of my very difficult decision to leave Green Mountain Energy.

"As a result of the state of the market in California, our team out here wi=
need to reflect the lower level of market activity. At this time, it's=20
appropriate for me to move on to the next set of challenges. It has been my=
privilege to work with my teammates in California and a pleasure watching o=
company grow and attract a large set of talented people.=20

"I feel fortunate to be able to hand the baton to Rick Counihan.? I will be=
working on the transition with Rick through March 16th. After that, you can=
continue to reach me at 415-902-5313, or blunden@hotmail.com."=20

Julie, you will be missed. I first met you at a PUC all parties meeting wit=
Commissioner Conlon, way back in 1996, or so.? I can't remember the topic.?=
At that meeting you where so soft spoken, but nevertheless forceful.? First=
impressions being misleading, as always, I thought you were some kind of tr=
hugger, if you know what I mean.? But over time I found your comments to be=
truly insightful, meaningful, interesting, and relevant.? You are a leader,=
and one of the few females, besides Avista's Linda Hamilton, who likes to=
tour power plants.? I hope our professional paths cross again, soon.? Good=
luck to you in all your endeavors.=20

Rob Lamkin of Mirant (used to be Southern Energy, but now you must learn ho=
to pronounce Mirant.? It sounds like mirror with an ant.) is searching=20
talented people.? Rob writes, "As you know, I am looking to hire a few=20
regulatory people.? Any suggestions?? Please post in the next Burrito."?=20
Done, buddy.? Rob's phone number is 925-287-3102, and his e-mail address is=
rllamkin@seiworldwide.com .=20

Seth Wilson, formerly of the Cal PX is looking for employment.? He is an=20
excellent analyst, he has over 20 years experience in electricity and gas=
market negotiating energy contracts, and energy risk management.? He has bo=
municipal and investor-owned utility experience in resource planning, asset=
evaluation, load forecasting and demand-side management.? He is very=20
effective communicating at all management levels, and to present informatio=
and recommendations to corporate officers, board members and regulators. I=
would encourage anyone interested in talking to Seth to call him at (909)=
653-6045 Cell: (626) 487-9046 <esethwilson@yahoo.com=20

Odds & Ends (_!_)=20

Paul Gribik, formerly of Perot Systems, and now a consultant with PA=20
Consulting handed me a great compliment.? He said the Friday Burrito was li=
a breath of fresh air each week.? He also said the Burrito was like driving=
on Highway 5 between the Grapevine and Stockton where the only relief from=
the bleak landscape is the Harris Ranch.? The Burrito is the Harris Ranch.?=
asked Paul if he wasn=01,t confusing the Harris Ranch with the mountain of =
crap (talk about a breath of fresh air) 10 miles north of the Harris Ranch =
Coalinga?? He said, no.? The sight and smell of the cow station only remind=
him of things going on in Sacramento.? Fair enough.=20

Sister Camden Collins clipped a good one from USA Today.? Check it out:=20

"It was reported in the USA Today that Governor Davis' secret weapon in the=
design of these innovative solutions is Jerry Springer. There will be a Jer=
Springer show on the negotiations and resolutions later this month entitled=
Politicians That Love Mud Wrestling with Themselves."=20

Finally, my bud from Modesto, Ken Weisel sent me this gem with which we wil=
close out the week.=20

What is electricity?=20

Today's scientific question is: What in the world is electricity? And where=
does it go after it leaves the toaster?? Here is a simple experiment that=
will teach you an important electrical? lesson:=20

On a cool, dry day, scuff your feet along a carpet, then reach your hand in=
a friend's mouth and touch one of his dental fillings.? Did you notice how=
your friend twitched violently and cried out in pain?=20

This teaches us that electricity can be a very powerful force, but we must=
never use it to hurt others unless we need to learn an important electrical=
lesson.? It also teaches us how an electrical circuit works. When you scuff=
your feet, you picked up batches of "electrons," which are very small objec=
that carpet manufacturers weave into carpet so that they will attract dirt.=
The electrons travel through your bloodstream and collect in your finger,=
where they form a spark that leaps to your friend's filling, then travels=
down to his feet and back into the carpet, thus completing the circuit.=20

AMAZING ELECTRIC FACT: If you scuffed your feet long enough without touchin=
anything, you would build up so many electrons that your finger would=20
explode! But this is nothing to worry about unless you have carpeting.=20

Although we modern persons tend to take our electric lights, radios, mixers=
etc. for granted, hundreds of years ago people did not have any of these=20
things, which is just as well because there was no place to plug them in.=
Then along came the first Electrical Pioneer, Benjamin Franklin, who flew a=
kite in a lightning storm and received a serious electrical shock. This=20
proved that lightning was powered by the same force as carpets, but it also=
damaged Franklin's brain so severely that he started speaking only in=20
incomprehensible maxims, such as, "A penny saved is a penny earned."=20
Eventually he had to be given a job running the post office.=20

After Franklin came a herd of Electrical Pioneers whose names have become=
part of our electrical terminology: Myron Volt, Mary Louise Amp,? James Wat=
Bob Transformer, etc. These pioneers conducted many important electrical=20
experiments - Among them, Galvani discovered (this is the truth) that when =
attached two different kinds of metal to the leg of a frog, an electrical=
current developed and the frog's leg kicked, even though it was no longer=
attached to the frog, which was dead anyway. Galvani's discovery led to=20
enormous advances in the field of amphibian medicine. Today, skilled=20
veterinary surgeons can take a frog that has been seriously injured or=20
killed, implant pieces of metal in its muscles, and watch it hop back into=
the pond just like a normal frog, except for the fact that it sinks like a=

But the greatest Electrical Pioneer of them all was Thomas Edison, who was =
brilliant inventor despite the fact that he had little formal education and=
lived in New Jersey. Edison's first major invention in 1877 was the=20
phonograph, which could soon be found in thousand of American homes, where =
basically sat until 1923, when the record was invented. But Edison's greate=
achievement came in 1879 when he invented the electric company.? Edison's=
design was a brilliant adoption of the simple electrical circuit: The=20
electric company sends electricity through a wire to a customer, then=20
immediately gets the electricity back through another wire, then (this is t=
brilliant part) sends it right back to the customer again.=20

This means that an electric company can sell a customer the same batch of=
electricity thousands of times a day and never get caught, since very few=
customers take the time to examine their electricity closely. In fact, the=
last year any new electricity was generated was 1937; the electric companie=
have been merely re-selling it ever since, which is why they have so much=
time to apply for rate increases.=20

Today, thanks to men like Edison and Franklin, and frogs like Galvani's, we=
receive almost unlimited benefits from electricity. For example, in the pas=
decade scientists have developed the laser, an electronic appliance, so=20
powerful that it can vaporize a bulldozer 2000 yards away, yet so precise=
that doctors can use it to perform delicate operations to the human eyeball=
provided they remember to change the power setting from "Vaporize Bulldozer=
to "Delicate."=20

Okay, I've got my TV set tuned to "vaporize killer tomatoes".? Have a great=
