Enron Mail

To:kaplan@iepa.com, kelly@hnks.com, bhansen@lhom.com, cjrudman@softcom.net,ccole@advocation-inc.com, dhunter@smithandkempton.com, djsmith@smithandkempton.com, hgovenar@acom2.com, jparker@hmot.com, smutny@iepa.com, jmunoz@mcnallytemple.com, paulsen@hmot.c
Subject:glossary revision
Cc:chudson@iepa.com, steven@iepa.com, dkk@eslawfirm.com, abb@eslawfirm.com,andybrwn@earthlink.net, cabaker@duke-energy.com, rbw@mrwassoc.com, curtis_l_kebler@reliantenergy.com, gtbl@dynegy.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com, joer@calpine.com, john_h_stout@re
Bcc:chudson@iepa.com, steven@iepa.com, dkk@eslawfirm.com, abb@eslawfirm.com,andybrwn@earthlink.net, cabaker@duke-energy.com, rbw@mrwassoc.com, curtis_l_kebler@reliantenergy.com, gtbl@dynegy.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com, joer@calpine.com, john_h_stout@re
Date:Wed, 3 Jan 2001 11:40:00 -0800 (PST)

ABB suggested revisions of the glossary in MS Word redline. ABB

Andrew B. Brown
Ellison, Schneider & Harris, LLP
2015 H Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 447-2166
Fax: (916) 447-3512

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and any accompanying document(s)
are confidential and privileged. They are intended for the sole use of the
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any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in
reliance upon the communication is strictly prohibited. Moreover, any such
inadvertent disclosure shall not compromise or waive the attorney-client
privilege as to this communication or otherwise. If you have received this
communication in error, please contact the sender at the internet address
indicated or by telephone at (916)447-2166. Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Katie Kaplan [mailto:kaplan@iepa.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 5:53 PM
To: Anne Kelly; Bev Hansen; Cary Rudman; Chuck Cole; Delany Hunter; DJ
Smith; Hedy Govenar; Jamie Parker; Jan Smutny-Jones; Jean Munoz; Jen
Paulsen; John Larrea; Julee Malinowski-Ball; Kassandra Gough; Katie
Kaplan; marie moretti; Maureen OHaren; McNally Ray; Mike Monagan; Norton
Kelli; Phil Isenberg; Robert Ross; Ron Tom; Scott Govenar; Susan Mccabe;
Tom Ross
Cc: Carol H Hudson; Steven Kelly; Douglas Kerner; Andy Brown; B Brown
Andy; Baker Carolyn; Bob Weisenmiller; Curtis Kebler; Greg Blue; Jeff
Dasovich; Joe Ronan; John Stout; Karen Edson; kent Palmerton; Kristin
Vellandi; Lynn Lednicky; Marty Wilson; Paula Hall-Collins; Pigott Jack;
Richard Hyde; Rob Lamkin; Stephanie-Newell; Sue Mara
Subject: Here is the Energy briefing agenda for the Republican Caucus
and FAQ
Importance: High

For those of you attending the Republican Caucus briefing tomorrow it is in
room 126 and runs from 9-noon (from what we understand it will be close
quarters so arrive early if you have been invited to speak). This meeting is
open to those who have been invited only.

Attached please find the agenda. IEP will be handing out the Seeing the
Light document, Power Up, and the editorial from the Bee today. We will be
following up with the FAQ's with a letter to each attendee on Friday.

I have also attached the Final FAQ and Glossary of Terms. Please let us
know by 2:00 tomorrow if you have any changes or additions to these

Katie Kaplan
Manager of State Policy Affairs
Independent Energy Producers Association
(916) 448-9499

- abbrev.Glossary of Terms.doc