Enron Mail

To:li.doyle@enron.com, lisa.mackey@enron.com, janel.guerrero@enron.com,dennis.benevides@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com
Subject:Comments in Docket No. 98-REN-CCS
Date:Mon, 4 Oct 1999 02:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here are the final comments to the CEC. We signed on to them.
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/SFO/EES on 10/04/99 09:43 =

"Counihan, Rick" <rick.counihan@greenmountain.com< on 10/01/99 05:47:57 PM

To:=09"'docket@energy.state.ca.us'" <docket@energy.state.ca.us<
cc:=09"'Bayless, David'" <david.bayless@utility.com<, "'Blue, Greg'"=20
<gtbl@dynegy.com<, "'Boccignone, Doug'" <dabo@dynegy.com<, "'Bray, Peter'"=
<peter.bray@pgees.com<, "'jennifer.chamberlin@pgees.com'"=20
<jennifer.chamberlin@pgees.com<, "'Ferguson, Rich'" <rich@ceert.org<, "'Got=
Jay'" <jgoth@powersavers.com<, "'Kelly, Steve'" <steven@iepa.com<, "'King,=
Chris'" <chris.king@utility.com<, "'Madden, Andrew'"=20
<andrew.madden@utility.com<, Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES, "'Ross, Bill'"=20
<billr@calpine.com<, "'Schmid, Elena'" <elenas@abag.ca.gov<, "'Thomas,=20
Aaron'" <athomas@newenergy.com<, "'White, John'" <vjw@ceert.org<, "'Wilson,=
Jean'" <jean.wilson@pacificorp.com<
Subject:=09Comments in Docket No. 98-REN-CCS

Dear Docket Office,

Attached electronically are the joint comments of ABAG Energy,
Commonwealth Energy, Dynegy, Enron Corp., GreenMountain.com, New Energy,
Inc., PacifiCorp, PG&E Energy Services, and Utility.com in the above
referenced docket.

Special thanks to Jean Wilson, Doug Boccignone and Andrew Madden for
their help and comments.

One hard copy is being sent by U.S. Mail.

Please call me if you have any questions.

Rick Counihan
GreenMountain.com Company
415/439-5310 tel
415/439-5320 fax
- Final Customer Credit Comments.doc