Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, skean@enron.com,janel.guerrero@enron.com, susan.mara@enron.com, sandra.mccubbin@enron.com, karen.denne@enron.com, mpalmer@enron.com, susan.landwehr@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com
Subject:CMTA TAX/GR & Generators: Windfall Profits tax Thurs. meeting
Date:Fri, 4 May 2001 02:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Jeff Dasovich
X-To: Richard Shapiro, James D Steffes, skean@enron.com, Janel Guerrero, Susan J Mara, Sandra McCubbin, Karen Denne, mpalmer@enron.com, Susan M Landwehr, Paul Kaufman
X-Folder: \Jeff_Dasovich_June2001\Notes Folders\Sent
X-FileName: jdasovic.nsf

----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 05/04/2001 09:45 AM -----

Pam Ross <pross@cmta.net<
05/02/2001 05:23 PM
Please respond to pross

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: CMTA TAX/GR & Generators: Windfall Profits tax Thurs. meeting
changed to Friday

TO: Kassandra Gough--Calpine
Chris Micheli--Carpenter Snodgrass
Carolyn Baker--Duke Energy
Anne Kelly--Duke Energy
David Parquet--Enron
Jeff Dasovitch--Enron
Tom Allen--Mirant
John Stout--Reliant Energy
Scott Sadler--Reliant Energy
Fred Pownal--Kahl/Pownall Advocates
Fred Main--California Chamber of Commerce
Greg Turner--Cal Tax
Katie Kaplan--IEP
Matt Sutton--AEA
CMTA Energy Committee
CMTA Tax Committee
CMTA Government Relations Committee

FROM: Carrie-Lee Coke/Pam Ross

RE: Friday, May 4 meeting at 1:30 pm in the CMTA conference room
to discuss Windfall Profits Tax bills

Due to a scheduling conflict, we are changing our Thursday, 2:00 pm
meeting to Friday, May 4 at 1:30 pm.

As most of you are aware, CMTA is opposing legislation designed to
impose a Windfall Profits Tax on electricity generator
companies. The bills are SBX1 1 (Soto) and ABX1 128 (Corbett). Please
note that the Soto bill pertains to co-generators as
well as entities exclusively in the power business. That means that
many of you would be directly effected. The other primary
basis for opposition is that the bills would inhibit electrical supply.
Please also note that, to the extent that SBX1 1 (Soto) were
operative, it would impose the "windfall cost" on business taxpayers who
would fund the credit given to personal income tax

You are invited to our lobbying strategy meeting which will be here at
CMTA's offices at 980 9th Street, Suite 2200
on Friday, May 4 at 1:30 pm. Please RSVP to Pam Ross at 916-498-3320 or

There is a call in number as follows:
Access number: 1-888-727-8686
Conference ID: 900 1325#
TO: Kassandra Gough--Calpine
Chris Micheli--Carpenter Snodgrass
Carolyn Baker--Duke Energy
Anne Kelly--Duke Energy
David Parquet--Enron
Jeff Dasovitch--Enron
Tom Allen--Mirant
John Stout--Reliant Energy
Scott Sadler--Reliant Energy
Fred Pownal--Kahl/Pownall Advocates
Fred Main--California Chamber of Commerce
Greg Turner--Cal Tax
Katie Kaplan--IEP
Matt Sutton--AEA
CMTA Energy Committee
CMTA Tax Committee
CMTA Government Relations Committee
FROM: Carrie-Lee Coke/Pam Ross
RE: Friday, May 4 meeting at 1:30 pm in the CMTA conference room to
discuss Windfall Profits Tax bills
Due to a scheduling conflict, we are changing our Thursday, 2:00 pm meeting
to Friday, May 4 at 1:30 pm.
As most of you are aware, CMTA is opposing legislation designed to impose a
Windfall Profits Tax on electricity generator
companies. The bills are SBX1 1 (Soto) and ABX1 128 (Corbett). Please note
that the Soto bill pertains to co-generators as
well as entities exclusively in the power business. That means that many of
you would be directly effected. The other primary
basis for opposition is that the bills would inhibit electrical supply.
Please also note that, to the extent that SBX1 1 (Soto) were
operative, it would impose the "windfall cost" on business taxpayers who
would fund the credit given to personal income tax
You are invited to our lobbying strategy meeting which will be here at CMTA's
offices at 980 9th Street, Suite 2200
on Friday, May 4 at 1:30 pm. Please RSVP to Pam Ross at 916-498-3320 or
There is a call in number as follows:
Access number: 1-888-727-8686
Conference ID: 900 1325#