Enron Mail

Subject:Re:CESG Committee Meeting
Cc:athomas@newenergy.com, braun@cmua.org, cmcintyre@sempra.com,dhunter@smithandkempton.com, eke@aelaw.com, fieldejr@sce.com, jdasovic@enron.com, jeflory@calpx.com, mflorio@turn.org, smutny@iepa.com, wbooth@booth-law.com
Bcc:athomas@newenergy.com, braun@cmua.org, cmcintyre@sempra.com,dhunter@smithandkempton.com, eke@aelaw.com, fieldejr@sce.com, jdasovic@enron.com, jeflory@calpx.com, mflorio@turn.org, smutny@iepa.com, wbooth@booth-law.com
Date:Mon, 4 Dec 2000 02:07:00 -0800 (PST)

Greetings. I have a conflict in the morning, but could join by conference
calling beginning at 2 pm. Is that possible. If not, no big deal. I, like
Ralph, will catch up at the next meeting, and submit our ideas to Eve between
now and then. Let me know. And I agree with Ralph re: staying focused on
the most urgent issues.


RCavanagh@nrdc.org (Ralph Cavanagh)
12/03/2000 07:30 PM

To: "Delaney Hunter" <dhunter@smithandkempton.com<, "Aaron Thomas (E-mail)"
<athomas@newenergy.com<, "Bill Booth (E-mail)" <wbooth@booth-law.com<,
"Carolyn McIntyre (E-mail)" <cmcintyre@sempra.com<, "Evelyn Elsesser
(E-mail)" <eke@aelaw.com<, "Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)" <smutny@iepa.com<,
"Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <jdasovic@enron.com<, "John Fielder (E-mail)"
<fieldejr@sce.com<, "Mike Florio (E-mail)" <mflorio@turn.org<, "Tony Braun
(E-mail)" <braun@cmua.org<, jeflory@calpx.com
Subject: Re:CESG Committee Meeting

Colleagues: it turns out that at this hour I will be presiding over hearings
Wyoming on the disposal of wastes from nuclear weapons (your condolences are
gratefully accepted). I hope to join the next meeting, whenever it is. My
advice remains what I said at our Dec. 1 meeting: let's try to help the
legislature stay focused for now on the most urgent electricity issues that
absolutely must be addressed now: forward contracting in the wholesale
to reduce customers' exposure to very high and volatile wholesale prices, and
rate stabilization plan to deal with the issues surrounding this year's
wholesale costs. If we can help narrow the immediate issues to those, and
the differences and decisions that remain, we'll have made a useful

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: CESG Committee Meeting
Author: "Delaney Hunter" <dhunter@smithandkempton.com<
Date: 12/01/2000 1:47 PM

Ok, so you are the chosen ones......
Just to reiterate the meeting will be on
Tuesday, December 5, 2000
at 10:00 am
CA Chamber of Commerce
1215 K Street, 14th Floor

Please give me a call if you have any questions or need further details.


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Reply-To: <dhunter@smithandkempton.com<
From: "Delaney Hunter" <dhunter@smithandkempton.com<
To: "Aaron Thomas (E-mail)" <athomas@newenergy.com<,
"Bill Booth (E-mail)" <wbooth@booth-law.com<,
"Carolyn McIntyre (E-mail)" <cmcintyre@sempra.com<,
"Evelyn Elsesser (E-mail)" <eke@aelaw.com<,
"Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)" <smutny@iepa.com<,
"Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)" <jdasovic@enron.com<,
"John Fielder (E-mail)" <fieldejr@sce.com<,
"Mike Florio (E-mail)" <mflorio@turn.org<,
"Ralph Cavanagh (E-mail)" <rcavanagh@nrdc.org<,
"Tony Braun (E-mail)" <braun@cmua.org<,
Subject: CESG Committee Meeting
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 13:47:05 -0800
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